I only use the date filter once a month or probably less even - I've never fully come to grips with it
The manual page Date Filter toolbar is clear but missing some info and doesnt really explain it properly for a true beginner (or to me at any rate)
I know I could check out the following by trial and error but I dont really have a suitable database for checking this stuff, &, as I say, I just getting addled by it all:
( prob not important but let's say the source is ItemCreated )
1) if I choose a date and 7 days does the 'Operator' change which 7 days are shown or is it always the 7 days after the selected date (as it is if I use '=')
[ bonus: answering this will possibly cover the next question ! ]
2) I'm wondering what the > operator means & how it works? It's not included in the manual page.
I presume it's more recent than the chosen date but not sure how it relates to say if you have 7 days selected - does it show 7 days from the selected date (which would be the same as '=') or does it ignore the 7 and show *all* items created since the selected date? or...
3) The '<' operator is included on the manual page but it is explained only in terms of ToDo's/Ticklers - is it not used in any other way? if not, I think that needs to be made clearer.
It would be great if we could include a link or a sample or a tutorial with more details of how to use it in this way - I hardly use the whole 'ToDo' aspect of IQ, so can probably only help with newbie questions - or maybe it's already here somewhere? (maybe people know all this stuff from other apps already?)
As someone who has little clue, if you can clarify this stuff and I'm then able to use it I could try write an introductory summary (just a couple sentences) *just* for people like me ;-)
>2) I'm wondering what the > operator means & how it works? It's not included in the manual page.