Here's a very basic question to which I can't find an answer.
Clearly the philosophy behind IQ is that IQ does what it is good at, but recognises that managing information always involves a range of tools. Thus IQ can be viewed as a very good way to manage "small" information things (items) and their inter-relationships. But it doesn't for example attempt to replace the filing system. Instead, you can "drop" file references into IQ and link back to them. And that's great, as far as it goes. It means that you have a link to information which is entirely managed by another application.
Sometimes it would be nice if IQ interworked more hand-in-hand with other apps. Thus for example I would love to see two-way mapping between outlines in IQ and outlines in Microsoft Project, Word and PowerPoint. It would vastly help towards Jan's dream of true IQ support for writers, for example. I know that this is somewhere in the roadmap, but I'm not holding my breath because it's a major development.
But often what I want is something in-between. In other words, I want to associate some information managed in another product with an information item in IQ.
Here's an example. The picture is of part of a concept map. The concept map is - in this case - maintained by a program called MOT+ or MotPlus, which implements an extended form of concept map devised by a Montreal based researcher called Gilbert Paquette and his LICEF research centre at UQAM. (Attention there, all of you Montréal people!). The image is of only a part of the overall concept map - and therefore linking at the filename level is too crude. Here's the image:

And here's the question or suggestion. The technology for maintaining a link between information items in separate programs in Windows is called OLE linking and embedding. Does IQ currently support OLE linking? Will it? (I can't find it in Mantis.) If not: my suggestion for implementation would be that information in an OLE server application (such as Mot+) would be copied to the clipboard. IQ would maintain a link to that information as an IQ field. A bitmap image of the linked information would appear in the HTML pane (or a similar image-only pane). In my chosen example, it would look exactly like the above image.
Have I missed existing functionality? Is this already in the roadmap? Or is this a new suggestion that other IQ users want? Is it an "expensive" development, or could it in fact be relatively straightforward given the ready availability of OCX controls? And what about IQ acting as an OLE server to other programs - so that a writer or researcher could keep information in IQ and then reuse it as, say, a Word outline?
If I describe some of the grids I use, you'll get the idea . (I copied that from elsewhere...)
(Almost all grids use/show fields involved in autoassign rules, functions etc.)
General grids :
- Inbox (for anything that hasn't thoroughly reviewed, pure GTD style,
- References (for articles, book references, etc. with bibliographical fields etc.)
- Notes (divers) (for anything that I don't want in my references : notes, little snippets, etc.)
"Time/projects/tasks Management" grids (if you will):
- Task and project management (mainly GTD but some Stephen Covey thrown into the mix + many other priotization techniques and project management theories thrown into the mix). Much more sophisticated than the project and task grids.
(+ specialized task/project sub grids like :
- Weekly Review )
- Project management (much more sophisticated than the provided one)
(+ specialized project sub-grids like :
- Travels management
- Scenic and Theatre composition
- Musique_Création
- Project Gantt and prioritization grids )
"Life related" grids:
- Personal Journal
- Values
- Goals, strategies and tactics
- Needs
- Wishes
- Areas of focus
- Personal Development map
- Career Orientation
Other Area of focus grids and/or "meta grids":
- Finances (...)
- AdrsBook (not the same as the provided one...)
+ Many others of course which are a bit less sophisticated, like :
- Entertainment
- IQ Requests and suggestions grid...
- CallLog (where I'm importing all phone calls data in/out)
- etc.
- Calendar... More and more.
So you see... I do lots of activities in there. And I do even more...
That's the beauty of IQ. If IQ was going to specialize, like becoming a writer's tool mainly (even if I do write a lot as a theatre director, etc.), I'd be much less interested into using it and I'd probably start looking elsewhere. There are other writing tools. IMO IQ is an interesting writing tool because it's flexible and because it isn't just that... It's much "more".
What got me into IQ was the fact that I could structure text data in more complete and complex ways, characterize it (with fields), interrelate these characteristics (with functions and other equations), and display everything in ways I couldn't achieve in other software (using conditional formatting, trees, gantt, pivot, etc.). I tried ultraRecall, MyBase, EverNote, Mindmanager, Zoot, etc. etc. etc. But... I felt constrained in all of them in one way or another. And I saw that it wouldn't change. On the contrary, I saw that Pierre was passionate about flexibility and he was (is) listening... A lot.
So, from the start I wanted to use it to (in that order):
1- gather and organize info, references
2- Keep track of important aspects of my life (wishes, values, etc.)
3- manage tasks and all kinds of project related stuff.
4- create, structure plays/shows.
5- ... And then slowly do almost all my Data management in it...! (Calendar, etc.)
My aim was eventually abandon Outlook, leave EverNote and other information organizers, and move away from MS Word as an Outliner (Yes... I too was an avid MS Word Outliner user... It was actually my favorite feature).
I'm almost there. The only things that truly remains incomplete to fulfill this is :
1- A fully featured calendar,
2- Syncing,
3- better HTML pane
Yup... But that's the truth. The only reason why I insist about filtering, UI , and other esoteric stuff, etc. is exactly because I have the feeling most users won't have the patience you and I had to learn the way IQ works (as it is now).
Other esoteric bugs (like the inheritance, hierarchical, column/row equations ones, etc.) are also very important as they do really turn off users who don't have the patience to understand what the heck could be going wrong... And some of these probably came to IQ especially because of those pretty unique features they couldn't find elsewhere (I did).
I don't know if there's anything interesting in that long post... Sorry if I bored you.
severalmany programs. By that, I mean dozens and dozens and dozens.severalmany programs. By that, I mean dozens and dozens and dozens.There are other solutions for real time syncing. One of them, looks very promising :BvckupFree while in Beta (I might actually try it when I have more time), 20$ for a personal license (don't know when it'll be 20$...).First heard of it there :Synchronizing a few folders between two machines?Armando (again this is NOT a criticism) made a long reply that we could do this or that, or we could have this option or that option & that's all ok as it may well add something special to IQ that I can't even imagine.
But for me, that's not the point. For me as everyman it's pretty simple: