Itemmodified field changed too frequently?

Submitted by gregory on 2009/08/13 04:42
In order to prioritise work, I sort items on Itemmodified desc.
However, I must somewhere have a rule established which is automatically updating all Items and in the process resetting Itemmodified. This occurs infrequently but of course messes up my prioritised list.
Would it be possible and desirable only to update this field if an item was "explicitly" changed? (And no, I'm not exactly certain what I mean by explicitly; perhaps from the keyboard?)
Comments and clarifications would be welcome!

Auto-Assign Rules on Fields not working

Submitted by gregory on 2009/08/13 04:28
I'm trying to establish an auto-assign rule on the Item field in my Inbox.
To simplify the situation and to demonstrate what looks like a bug to me, I have set a simplistic rule:
When I make a change to Item, I get the warning message:
A field rule [Item] references field [Newt] but this field does not exist. The rule cannot be executed.

Using the Google Spreadsheet to track the status of the User Manual

Submitted by KeithB on 2009/08/12 21:19
I needed something to keep track of what I'm working on on the manual, and thought why not use part of the discussion spreadsheet, and have it colloborative?
Any level of user could help via this vehicle--new users, put a comment column "I don't understand such and such of this page".
If you see anything missing in the manual, add another line, and call it proposed page or something.
Or "I'd like to see".
Or put "I have a tremendous amount of time on my hands, and massive InfoQube knowledge--is there anything I can do to help?"

<SOLVED>|"Auto assign the followingfield" (in "manage grids" dialog) : doesn't seem to work when drag/drop item between grids

Submitted by Armando on 2009/08/12 00:20
Step to reproduce :
1- Pick 2 grids with some "auto assign fields" rules.
2- Drag & drop one item from one grid to another
3- Fields are not auto assigned.
NOTE HOWEVER that when "plain" drag & drop is performed (ie : no holding "ctrl" while performing the d&d), the item will "lose" the fields allowing it to meet the previous grid's source (which correct and expected ).
<This is now solved but there is still at least one issue with drag/drop & inheritance -- 2010 01 31 -- 19:22>

Coming back from add item window into a grid : keyboard shortcuts don't work anymore

Submitted by Armando on 2009/08/12 00:03
Steps to reproduce:
1- press win-n to have the add item dialog appear
2- write something in the "item text" text box
3- write something in the "Other fields" text box (this step might be unnecessary)
4- add item to the database
Back to IQ (using alt-tab, or whatever): keyboard shortcuts like F5, F2, etc. don't work anymore until I click on another grid tab and back again.

New Build Available : 2009 08 11 (recommended update)

Submitted by Armando on 2009/08/11 15:44
New build.
A few bugs have been squashed, some features added...
Some were announced (like the not syncing HTML and properties pane -- have a look at Mantis), some unannounced (like : firefox clips title problem, option in "manage grids dialog" for down arrow to create new items, etc.).
Highly recommended -- if only for the HTML & Properties pane syncing problem).
Thanks Pierre !