I've posted about this before, thought momentarily that i had it fixed, but no such luck.
Here's what I'm seeing in my file -
- many TLIs that DO have children (they ARE shown in the properties pane) DO NOT have a + bullet to indicate this, and they cannot be expanded to show the child items.
- many TLIs that DON'T have children (as confirmed in properties pane) DO have a + bullet, falsely indicating that the item has child items.
As you can imagine, this is a serious matter - if there are child items, you want to be aware of it and be able to see them!
I am quite sure this is not a case of subitems being hidden because of a filter.
I am wondering if this is some kind of file corruption - therefore I wondering if there was some way to export from the database and reimport into a new database - and see if these errors got fixed.