quick search tab suggestions

Submitted by jimspoon on 2012/10/29 23:41
(1)  When I click on the name of a grid in the "Shown In" column, I would like for IQ to go not just to that Grid, but to the selected item in that Grid.

(2)  the search term is highlighted in the Quick Search tab in the "item name" column - I would also like to see the search term highlighted in the search grid after I click "Show Items in Search grid" button.

using IQ over network

Submitted by jimspoon on 2012/10/26 14:38
I have IQ running both on desktop and laptop.  I have the same database loaded in both desktop IQ and laptop IQ - the database resides on the laptop.  So on the desktop, I am accessing the laptop database over my LAN.
I have been testing this out - when I enter a new item in a grid on the desktop, I can refresh the grid on the laptop, and then see the same item in IQ running on the laptop.
However - my practice has been to put the desktop to sleep when I am not using it for an extended time.   After waking up the desktop, I tried again to enter new items into the database.  This time, however, the new items did NOT make it over to the database residing on the laptop.  And, what is worse, IQ on the desktop doesn't give me any indication that the items are not making it into the laptop database.

Program CRASH

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2012/10/25 12:33
I reproduced this. 
In existence was an item with an appt date set assigned but not yet shown in the calendar
I wanted to add this item to the calendar
In the dialog I added a time & clicked "Show in Calendar"
Program crash. 
Repeated again w/o re-setting machine

Picking a particular day in New Event dialog causes crash

Submitted by Airways on 2012/10/22 13:14
I have a database where picking a particular day causes a crash with this message:
Unhandled exception at 0x758AD3CF (KernelBase.dll) in InfoQube.exe: 0xC000008F: Floating-point inexact result (parameters: 0xDEADCAFE, 0xDEADCAFE).
Double clicking in the calendar view on this day to create a new event, OR selecting it from the New Event dialog's dropdown date picker causes the crash. My debugger only comes up when picking the date from the dropdown - when double clicking in the calendar view, the application simply closes without any error or chance for the debugger to catch it.

Questions and observations about Google calendar synch

Submitted by Jon on 2012/10/22 09:16
I have been back and forth on the calendar feature for IQ. There are many things to complete in the rest of the program, and several others have complained about recurring problems with loosing grid setups. Noteliner recently added a styles feature. I know that IQ is destined to include this, but when?

I have warmed to the idea of a calendar, but not at the expense of what I consider to be the core of the program. I accept others may disagree, and concede that the majority may be right. I like having the option, so it is my choice whether to use the calendar.

POP3 emails not showing [bug]

Submitted by Airways on 2012/10/20 14:37
 Hey Guys, I am setting up a mailbox to deliver Notes to my IQ database. I have the email options all setup, and when clicking Check for New POP3 Email menu item, the tray icon flashes with the number of unread messages, however no messages are shown in my Emails grid! I'll attach a screen shot showing the grid's settings and the tray indicator.

Window layout

Submitted by Airways on 2012/10/19 16:26
I think this has been suggested before, but I'd like to see if there is any chance of one of the next builds including support for remembering the position of panels and tabs between application launches. Every time I open IQ I have to rearrange things the way I like.
It would be really nice if it was possible to have multiple grids on the same tab - so that I could do something like this for instance:
Tab 1 named "Day Planner"
  - Calendar on the left
  - Tasks on the top right
  - Log on bottom right
Tab 2 named "Schedule"
  - Tasks as Gantt chart

VBScript examples or starting guide?

Submitted by Airways on 2012/10/19 16:10
I am very interested in creating some external VBScript programs to manipulate the data in my IQ database. I understand that this should be possible even while the IQ program is running - although I will need to refresh any grids I have open to see data (similarly to how it would work with multiple users on a LAN for instance).
Are there any example programs, or could you provide a brief introduction on how to setup and connect to the DB? I tried opening the DB in Access and it didn't load anything, so I'm not sure how to inspect the contents to determine what I can query against.

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