Minor problem with bold in HTML pane

Submitted by WayneK on 2014/08/06 16:13
When I copy/paste text into the HTML pane, if the source text is in bold, I'm unable to turn off the bolding.  When I select the text, the Bold icon shows a square outline indicating that bold is active for this text.  Clicking on the Bold icon does not turn the bolding off the way it should.
All other formatting seems to be working normally, eg I can add bolding to the text then turn it off etc.  The problem is with text that was bolded in the original.
Restarting InfoQube did not help.

Gantt issues

Submitted by Jon on 2014/08/05 15:29
My file is old and TaskStart/TaskEnd were not working correctly with gantt charts.I removed the equations as Pierre instructed. I can now enter the start dates and end dates correctly. There are still problems.
1. Enter a TLI. No dates.
2. Create a sub item with start date and end date. The gantt bar displays correctly and the TLI (summary bar) updates to reflect the total duration of its child. But, the TaskDuration field is blank for both the TLI and this sub item
3. Now enter another sub as a sibling of the first sub. Enter start and end dates. Now create a dependency from the first child to the second child (sibling). See?

Column equations problems

Submitted by Armando on 2014/08/03 20:16
These have been plaguing column equations (both conditional and normal ones) for a long time.
I hope they can all be fixed without breaking other calculations as they make dealing with column equations a bit of a gamble.
I know I've described them all a while ago, but here's an updated description. I really tried my best to be as precise as possible and I believe everything I mention is important to really understand each problem.
If something isn't clear, please ask for details.
(The first one is the longest to explain.

[FIXED] Hoisting in 30

Submitted by Jon on 2014/08/01 17:14
Is anyone having trouble with hoisting? It has been a while since I used hoisting, but I know it worked for me several versions ago. When I try to hoist I get the same error message in every grid.
"Error reading data. Check the source, filter and sort criteria."
Everything seems fine but perhaps I have missed something.

Any Lotus Agenda users here ?

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2014/08/01 13:57
Hi IQ Users !
Years and years ago, I bought a book on Lotus Agenda. It was probably a couple years before my Ecco Pro years... I guess that says it all !
I looked at it a couple of times, but never "really" studied it, but it survived my many attempts to get rid of unused stuff.
I never owned a license of Agenda, but as it is now public domain (download link here), I installed it on an XP machine.
Apart from a antique DOS UI, and as with Ecco Pro and InfoQube, it is build on the following 3 principles :
  1. Information is stored in items
  2. Items can be assigned user-defined field values (categories in Agenda)
  3. Views show a sub-set of all items in the database. Users can customize / create views.

[Bug] Manually adding file link deletes cell text

Submitted by Tom on 2014/08/01 07:34
Reproduced this in:
pre-rel 29a clean install of portable version
Win 7 x64
Add a link manually:
  1. right-click cell (item field here)
  2. click 'Hyperlink'
  3. current cell/field text shows in dialogue
  4. browse to, and select file
  5. click OK on hyperlink dialogue
  6. text in cell disappears completely and no link is created