Omnibox action triggering issue?

Submitted by Armando on 2015/04/15 16:46
Around 1/3rd to 1/4th of the time, pressing enter after selecting some grid or "action" (menu actions,..) in the Omnibox does nothing.
Workaround : click somewhere else -- preferably on some grid tab -- and reclick in the Omnibox and repress enter. Repressing Omnibox shortcut does nothing to alleviate the problem.
This defeats one of Omnibox main functions : being able to use the keyboard to quickly control IQ. This problem has been there since the Omnibox has been implemented and I don't know what causes it. It's a bit like if it was loosing its link to IQ or something like that.
anybody else experienced this problem ? any clue about what could cause it ?

Columns headers : how does the word wrap work?

Submitted by Armando on 2015/04/14 23:00
 Creating new grid based on an other one, the column headers appeared with word wrap on.
I think it could be a good option to have, but since I normally prefer to not have headers taking to much space, I turned it off  and... the grid's word wrap was also turned off (as it was always the case anyway).
and then I wasn't able to turn the word wrap back on for the headers. How does one do it?

Shift+Click on hyperlink opens link in item homegrid or moves focus in current grid instead of opening a *new scratch grid*

Submitted by Armando on 2015/04/11 18:57
 While the homegrid concept is great and should be developed, I think that the convention should be respected in that case too : shift+Click on hyperlink : always open in new scratch grid, even if the item is already there in the grid, even if the item has a homegrid.
[Sorry, edited a few times for clarity...]

Show any items from the properties pane in a *new* scratch grid (option in context menu)

Submitted by Armando on 2015/04/11 18:32
As I said in another post, the option was removed, sadly, as I 'd use it several times a day.

It'd just adds flexibility and ease :

- you want to see that parent separately ? 
- those siblings ?
- that specific tagged item ?
- that children ?
.... you can of course click on it/them to show it/them in its/their home grid(s) or in the/their current grid 
But it would be great to also be able to right click and select "Show item in a new scratch grid"
A lot of bang for the buck.

Show any selected items in a *new* scratch grid

Submitted by Armando on 2015/04/11 18:25
 In the spirit of my scratch grid requests, I very often need to isolate items from a grid (this is different from my other post concerning the properties pane) and see them beside the grid I'm working on.
(There used to be an option "Hoist in scratch grid" and I was using it and one day it was gone. That said, items don't have to be hoisted, andin fact, showing it in a new scratch grid is more than enough. I stress the "new" word as recycling scratch grids isn't very useful. They can always be closed if they accumulate.)
I know there are workaround, at least 2, but they are bit unintuitive or tedious.

Version 0.9.26Pre-Rel49 is now available !

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2015/04/08 19:55
Hi IQ Users,
In this release (v0.9.26PreRel49):
  • New: Only visible views are now loaded when opening a file. Others are shown as tabs with an * appended to the name to indicate it needs loading. Dramatically speeds up loading when many views are opened (tabbed workspace only).
  • New: Sync: Sync delay is now a separate setting, independent of the auto-backup delay.