Items with custom font attributes not zooming with the grid

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2021/02/03 16:11
As soon as I set an item to have a different font than the grid default or to have the same font at a different size or set it e.g. to bold, that item's text size is no longer increased or decereased when zooming in or out on the grid, making the zoom function pretty worthless. Can this be fixed?
I also noticed that the ItemTextSize field has strange values and that I am unable to edit it in any way via the properties pane.
(still on Pre2 for the time being)

Item back colors lost in 117 Pre3

Submitted by LM77 on 2021/02/03 12:08
Recently, after updating to 117 Pre3, I discovered that the Item Back colors which I had used to mark numerous items in my main IQ base had disappeared, and all these items were now left with no item back colors!
I accordingly opened an earlier IQ base, which had been saved - and left untouched - before pre3 was released. Here all of the colors were preserved, but not too long afterwards when I opened this IQ base again, the colors disappeared!
When I reverted to the 117 pre2 version colors from an earlier IQ base were preserved, although this did NOT let me restore the colors in the IQ base where they had been lost.
Your help would be most appreciated!

117 Pre3 New notes created with the "New Note" hotkeys not going into Inbox.

Submitted by lbw2112 on 2021/02/02 08:52
 Not sure if maybe the settings are a little different but when creating a new note with the hotkeys the note is not going into Inbox, even through I have the Assign To Inbox checked.
I tried unchecking and checking again but didn't change anything.