How do I backup/restore my Grid/Panes layout?

Submitted by viking on 2022/08/09 03:42

IQ has crashed a few times* and I keep loosing my Grid/Panes layout. I have backed up the *sndb file, but restoring it didn't help.
Where are the Grid/Panes layout saved? Are they maybe saved in the *.ini file?

I would like to have full backups going forward. In addition to the *.sndb & *.ini files and the *.Files folder, is there anything else that I need to backup?

*) I will try to reproduce it later and post it in the bug forum.


Quickly/Easily Put a ToDo Item Under a Contact (in a different Grid)

Submitted by viking on 2022/08/08 20:50

I very frequently need to move a ToDo item (TLI) and make it a child under a contact in the AddressBook.
My ToDo Grid and AddressBook are in different Grids and Views making it cumbersome to move.

It would be incredibly useful to be able to make a TLI a child using a script command!

Consider the following example:
1. I first create a new List of pop-up items containing the Item (T) and Filter using AddressBook Field:

Formatted Tags are "Sometimes" Not Recognized

Submitted by viking on 2022/08/07 16:44

I just found out that several of my Items were not assigned to the Tags because the Tags were formatted as Bold.

Steps for Bug1:

  1. Create a Tag “BoldTag”
  2. Go to the Tag Grid and make the “BoldTag” Bold.
  3. Create a new grid “BoldTag” with Grid Source “#BoldTag”
  4. Add items to the “BoldTag” grid => Items are added to the grid(!) but are not assigned to the “BoldTag” Tag


Keep selection on dragged item

Submitted by WayneK on 2022/08/05 16:54

Suggestion: switch current selection to any item that is dragged.

1) Drag item into a grid (eg an item from another grid or a link from a browser).

2) The current grid selection does not switch to the just-dragged item.  Instead, it remains on whatever item was previously selected.

For me, the most common action after dragging an item is to edit the text or move the item to a new location.  I do this automatically and many times have inadvertently edited or moved the wrong item because the selection didn't switch to the dragged item.

Column filter stops working

Submitted by WayneK on 2022/08/02 11:02

Column filter stops working

1) Set up: two vertical tab groups

2) Apply column filter to yes/no column in right pane to display only unchecked items.

3) After a minute or so, the right pane spontaneously refreshes itself and the column filter is lost (all items display).

Tested above 10+ times with same result.  Refreshing the screen causes the filter to work again but only for a short period.


Win10, 120Pre24

IQ interprets pasted line as an equation, nothing gets pasted?

Submitted by jimspoon on 2022/08/01 21:44

With a new item highlighted in the Item field, I tried pasting the following in a grid:

You may use a capturing group in your regex to make REGEXEXTRACT return just that captured part:
If you need to return 1, 2 or 3 whitespace-separated words after end, use
See the online demo (Golang regex also uses RE2).