
Submitted by WayneK on 2024/07/19 13:49

I'll make my periodic recommendation for a fully functional "undo" command.  Pierre has said he'll put it on the list if there's enough interest but apparently there hasn't been.  

Earlier i tried to mark 300 items (ctrl-shift-m) but instead hit ctrl-shift-n, creating 300 unwanted subitems.  15 minutes later I'm still trying to unravel the damage as I accidentally permanently deleted some items while trying to delete the unwanted subitems.

IQ on a Mac

Submitted by Greg_M_IQ on 2024/07/04 17:22

Hello, I have been running IQ on a Windows machine for a few years. I have some team members who want to try it on their Mac. Has anyone had success with this? If so, would you be willing to help us work through the set up? I am not a Mac person and my team member is having some struggles with it. Thank you. Greg