Submitted by Sam.p on 2013/12/06 11:06
I am a new user, and I don't succeed in moving items.
Each time I refresh a grid, or close/reopen my file, my items get back to their first locations.
Can you help me in moving my items? (I tried with drag and drop and with Alt+up but it does the same).


Hi Sam
Have you had a look at the 'Sorting' page 5. Sorting and Grouping Items
Manual Sort is near the top there.
Top Level Items ("TLI") cannot be sorted manually.
The only way to work around the TLI thing, is to create one or more items at top-level in the grid - and then make everything else sub-items.
To test if manual sort is "sticking", try a refresh (F5) and see if the sort stays the same.
I dont use manual sorting myself so cant give much more info - if that doesnt solve your problem, let us know and someone will surely be able to help
there has been a lot of debate about sorting e.g here
The plan AFAIK is to make it much clearer in the next (big) version (#27).


2013/12/06 18:28

In reply to by Tom

Armando mentions sorting using the Source-bar (Alt+S) and the SortBar (menu: Grid >SortBar).
If you're not familiar with sorting, the SortBar is probably the easiest to use:
drag the column headers from the Grid into the SortBar (the ones you that you want to sort by) - they show like a suspended tab with an arrow on one side. Click arrow to reverse sort. (Screenshots on the Sorting manual page.)
Using the SortBar, you can only sort using columns shown in the grid.
Like in a spreadsheet you can sort first by e.g. Column A; then by Column D; etc. etc.
Sorting starts from the left. in the SortBar, so drag and drop the columns within the sortbar to change which columns get priority.

Just to add to what Tom said.
If you want to sort Top Level Items, you should number them, or  figure out some other way of taking advantage of the automatic sorting (either using the source bar : alt-s : right end, enter the name of the field, or the sort bar).
For more details, see the help file : 5.3, in particular section A and B.
Yes the help file needs help... it will get it at some point!
Windows 8
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz

Hi Sam.p
First, a warm welcome to the IQ Community forum !
Thanks for bringing this issue back. It will be addressed in the next version (out this week), in the following manner:
  • If the sortbox is disabled or empty and column sorting is disabled or empty, items will keep their position in the grid.
    Within the same grid, users will then be able to easily toggle between two sorting: Manual or value-based.
    Since this is a per-grid setting, this means that the same list of items could be viewed in as many sort order as desired.
I'm sure die-hard Ecco Pro users will be jumping up and down !!