Edit in red: OK, so I just found a thread that confirms that I should be able to open two instances with separate windows. In my case however I cannot. I'm not getting any error message as mentioned here....
....it just doesn't seem to actually open a second instance. Is this a known bug? OS is Windows 7 64-bit.
I know how to have the same grid open in two vertical/horizontal tabs at the same time, but is there a way to have grids from the same database open in two windows at the same time, so that two html panes could be viewable simultaneously? I should mention that I am using the term "windows" as it's used in most modern day browsers, as I notice that IQ uses the verbiage "new window" for what I would call a new grid tab, albeit one that can be viewed separately in a vertical or horizontal tab group.
I've tried File > Open and then selecting the same database, that prompts a warning that there is already an instance of the database open and "are you sure", and if you proceed it appears to just open the new instance and close the other - or at least I still only see one window. For some reason I thought for sure that I've been able to do it and that in a past discussion Pierre said that multiple instances could be open at the same time, but when I try the above I never see more than one window.