.SNDB repository options

Submitted by KeithB on 2009/07/23 13:12
What would be the best forum option to reference and/or house .sndb example files?
For example, forum postings "Daily Logs" and Group Items by Sort Column and 1. Grid Display Modes contain small .sndb files (zipped) that hopefully help to explain concepts.  And there are a couple of blog postings that have attachments of .sndb's. (Pierre, is there any way the forum software can product a list of all the attachments?)
I thought perhaps either a "SNDB repository" forum or blog posting, containing either references to them would be a good way to help keep track.  The blog posting could only be modified by the owner,.
Are there any restrictions to number of attachments allowed in a forum post? And can more than one person add attachments to a single post?


No limits really. I raised the file size, but, best is to zip it. I see one of 2 means for posting (there could be others too)
  1. Blog post. Advantage: Author controls the page
  2. Book page: Advantage: Anybody can update the page
I'll leave the choice to each one of you.
Either way, the post can be put in the documentation, under 12. Sample IQBases (i.e. IQ templates)