Recent Forum Posts
Date Title Author # Last When
2010-02-07 When TaskActEnd and TaskActStart are modified from the grid, taskDuration isn't set., <now in mantis> Armando 3 Armando 2010-02-01
2010-01-19 01-19-2010 Printing Challenge d bartlett 6 Armando 2010-02-01
2010-01-25 Manage Grids > Data > Auto assign the following fields does not add from drop down menu jan_rifkinson 3 Armando 2010-01-31
2010-01-26 Numeric field as source - value of '0' doesnt show Tom 3 Armando 2010-01-31
2010-01-28 "Can delete on item move" (inheritance) is half fixed - problem when parent link removal. Armando 1 Armando 2010-01-31
2010-01-29 Annoying bug returns : when changes are applied to several items at once : dialog to apply change loops - IQ eventually crashes Armando 1 Armando 2010-01-31
2010-01-29 2nd column of the Search grid after a Quick Search : widen without user intervention Armando 1 Armando 2010-01-31
2010-01-29 Problem with "saving" in the HTML pane when : MHT content + itemHTMLtext is null Armando 1 Armando 2010-01-31
2010-01-30 <SOLVED>HTML pane : when NOT in browse mode : ctrl-click on links from HTML content (not MHT) doesn't do anything Armando 6 Armando 2010-01-30
2010-01-30 <SOLVED>Browsing away from some HTML content (not MHT file reference) in the HTML pane erases the previous content ? Armando 4 Pierre_Admin 2010-01-30
2010-01-29 IQBase crashes when opened. Options? ajr 6 ajr 2010-01-29
2010-01-14 Documentation kp 19 Pierre_Admin 2010-01-29
2010-01-19 back up jsolka 20 jsolka 2010-01-29
2010-01-28 Opened properties pane seems to slow down grid navigation again... Or ist just me ? Armando 1 Armando 2010-01-28
2010-01-23 Relational database mknjlaw 12 Pierre_Admin 2010-01-28
2010-01-27 Version 0.9.25PreRel14 is now released ! Pierre_Admin 7 Armando 2010-01-27
2010-01-25 filter for colors jsolka 20 Armando 2010-01-27
2008-12-05 HTML hyperlinking jsolka 2 Pierre_Admin 2010-01-27
2010-01-26 Couple of questions on functions ajr 4 Pierre_Admin 2010-01-26
2010-01-26 alt+arrow occasionally rotating entire screen ThomR 5 ThomR 2010-01-26
2010-01-26 Pop-up descriptions on website ajr 2 Pierre_Admin 2010-01-26
2010-01-22 01/22/10 --> Is 9.25 pre-release 14 around the corner? jan_rifkinson 5 Pierre_Admin 2010-01-26
2010-01-30 <SOLVED>In the Options dialog : the different text box will record any entries even strings in those seemingly "number textbox" Armando 2 Armando 2010-01-26
2009-10-26 Automatic field data assignment/deassignment : 2 important bugs (reminder...) Armando 5 Armando 2010-01-26
2010-01-31 <SOLVED>|"Auto assign the followingfield" (in "manage grids" dialog) : doesn't seem to work when drag/drop item between grids Armando 3 Armando 2010-01-26