Submitted by Tom on 2010/06/18 06:12
I thought I'd gather together a summary of current situation with WikiTags: problems & possible solutions. But I came across a lot of interesting posts debating how to implement tagging so I included some of them and links to the respective threads
A Currently with WikiTags:
1) Using Drop-down Lists
In the Wikitag field, you can use a drop-down list - manual or auto
This is currently ineffective: if you select one tag from the list it will replace any other tags currently in the Wikitag field
2) Adding the tags manually has the disadvantage of possible user error: one time you might type {dog} the next {dogs} etc.
A workaround for this would be to have a 'Wiki' grid showing all tags you use - display this Grid in a dual pane layout and you can double check your tags or add new ones etc.
3) Suggestion for improval of above problems (from Tom's request - improve wikitag selection)
could you duplicate the drop-down Wikitag selection from the Add New Item dialogue to the Wikitag field in the grid?
1) each {wikitag} on a separate line
2) ability to select multiple tags (tickbox)

3) sort tags alphabetically (not currently done in the drop-down Wikitag selection in the Add New Item dialogue)
[edit] ~ see post below for suggestions from Armando ~ [/edit]
B Plans / Ideas / Suggestions for WikiTags, Tagging in general, & WikiLinks:
this quote is taken from a very old thread (the old forum)
Tags are an user friendly way to classify things.

Tags will just be a text field, but it is the UI which will make it special. Say you want to qualify SQLNotes, You'd say it is:

  • an outliner
  • a grid
  • like Ecco
  • can do computations
  • has links with Office
  • has charts

How would you code that?

  • Indidual fields? Will get out of hand quickly
  • Multiple parents (under outliners, under Ecco, etc). OK but UI intensive to create all these relations. Most users will not do it
  • Put these keywords into a regular text field: Search works most of the time, but users must manually add the keywords. Auto-assign can become messy and can cause duplicates
  • In tags. Tags is stored internally as a text field, but the UI knows to treat it differently:
    • Adding a tag to an item does not erase the other tags, tests for duplicates before adding
    • Search can find complex tags (e.g. with spaces)
    • Adding tags can be as simple as selecting from a list or clicking on a button
    • Tags can be displayed, one by line in a properties pane. Right-click to delete
    • Tags management allows easy rename
    • If tag hierarchy is setup, parent tag search can return the sub-tags
    • Prints much easier than a list of checkboxes, most of which would be empty. If you use text fields for categories, bounderies are hard to set (what goes where?)
    • clicking on a tag, returns all items that have that tag. Great for navigation, cross-linking, etc
    • can be used for quick-and-dirty item-to-item links/grouping
    • tags can trigger field settings and vice-versa   
From the same thread:
[quote=jsonnabend]I guess in the end we're likely on the same page, my point just being that you shouldn't have some special thing called "tags", but a field type called a tag field.
- Jeff [/quote]
Again, from the same thread in the older forum:-
[edit] ~ see post below for Armando's current views ~ [/edit]
[quote=Armando] [...]

I tried the first 3 solutions that Pierre described : #1- individual fields, #2- multiple parents, and #3- keywords into a regular text field) for some weeks (in an experimental database. 


I temporarily opted for #3 (keywords into a regular category text field -- but I've removed the automatic list). Because I use an AutoHotkey based personal "system wide" tagging system, it was fairly easy to implement this way. (For a fairly detailed explanation of this "system" see this post at : ; and there I also write about the difference between tags, categories, etc, among other things :


BUT... I must admit that solution #1 (use fields as categories) would work very well, and better than solution #3 (and maybe even solution 4 -- the "tag" solution... who knows...) if :


1- fields could be created on the fly (more rapidly — in particular the YES/NO type of fields/categories)

2- fields could be associated to items on the fly

3- fields could be organized hierarchically.

4- Forms could contain hierarchies of fields


when I experimented with this solution #1 (use fields as categories), I created a form called "categories" in which I put all my category fields. In my mantis suggestion, this what I meant by a "meta category". In some way, "forms" allow one to group and organize fields hierarchically... albeit in a pretty limited fashion (2 levels).


As for the "on the fly" item-field association... The only problem is that the only "place" I'm aware off where you can assign different fields on the fly to an item is  in the "add new item" little window (VERY convenient by the way -- an EverNote killer and the perfect GTD companion). If such a window could be invoked anywhere, for any grid item, in which we could just type a bunch of fields on the fly, that would be great. (Maybe there's already a way to do that and I'm  not aware of it... ???)


Some possible solutions to assign fields to an item "on the fly", without clicking your way down in the property panel... ;) :


1- A shortcut key (like ctrl+alt+f) or a click in a context menu item (ie : "add fields") would popup a small window which would be similar to the "assign to" zone in the "Add new item" window invoked via crl+alt+n  or ctrl+n. You could then type directly in that entry field, add "terms" one after the other, and you could use a drop down menu to help out with figuring each field rapidly (still with the keyboard) -- and add them one after the other to the item.


2- That quick field entry zone could also be in the Properties panel, and follow the same design as above.


Associating fields to an item in this way would just put the minimal value (a space, a 0 ? or a "check") in each field typed, and it would be very quick. Again... if this is already possible... Please tell me how!

Anyway : This would allow to treat fields  much more like categories or tags (like in other software : Outlook, EverNote, MyBase, Ultra Recall...)



Now... I know that Pierre prefer another solution altogether for tagging (see his quote above), and it might work very well, of course. I just feel that since the YES/NO fields are already "tags" in some ways, why not use what's already there?


All these "thoughts" are closely linked to other related suggestions I wanted to discuss for a while but haven'T found the time yet -- I don't know if this is the right thread, nut I think I should mention them now since they might help clarifying what I just wrote about :


1- Creating fields "on the fly"


2- Organizing fields hierarchically in the "manage field window"


3- Option to organize fields hierarchically inside forms too (in the property panel and the "manage forms" panel)


4- On users choice, with certain filters, fields could be automatically assigned to certain forms (with filters, check boxes, or other UI technology...)?



As far as wiki-style links, my aim is to implement something very similar to WikidPad in terms of ease of use
For tags, I like the tagging system used by this Drupal site.
Suggestions are welcomed!
  1. One suggestion regarding tags is to have a tag toolbar show when a tag-type field is in focus. This will ease assigning tags and ease tag filtering.
  2. Tag hierarchy is also a must: if you have:

    Then assiging an item (say Item1) the SomeSubGroup and clicking on the MyMainTag to find all items with that tag should also return your item (Item1)[/quote]

Mantis issues:
0070: New Field Type: "Multi Select" field = Tags Field
0681: drop-down list for wiki-tag field à la Pop-up list fields ?
1001: New item dialog: drop-down list for WikiTag field is blank
Related threads:
Discussion about WikiTags node:873  2009-07-09
Wiki Tags node:492
-- link to nonexistent node ID -- node:


Tom, Thanks for doing this.
Unless I've missed it, you might want to add the following for confirmation: When clipping, the drop down menu for wikitags ion the clipping dialog does not populate with any wikitags


2010/06/19 09:48

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Unless I've missed it, you might want to add the following for confirmation: When clipping, the drop down menu for wikitags ion the clipping dialog does not populate with any wikitags
added to Mantis and the OP:
1001: New item dialog: drop-down list for WikiTag field is blank

 Thanks Tom. That was a lot of work, but is VERY valuable, as a synthesis of who has tried what, and proposed what, etc...

Hi Tom, and thanks for that summary.
My position on the matter has changed, but it's ok to have my older opinion exposed here too.


2010/06/19 09:36

In reply to by Armando

Hi Tom, and thanks for that summary.
My position on the matter has changed, but it's ok to have my older opinion exposed here too.
This evolved out of the other WikiTags thread WikiTags > To brace or not; That is the question
If there's any threads I missed out on, I can add them to OG post (of course I can remove any quotes if you want - and add any too). Most of the stuff I got was from that older forum thread - I dont think it's been discussed in such depth since (?)
I was surprised when I went back to that older thread - rereading it made me see the bigger picture a bit - the possibilities.

I would still dearly love to see the requested fix for the wikitag field. Also I love the idea of having multiple possible wikitag fields - that it could be a type of field in the same way as a text field or a date field (suggested by jsonnabend).
I have no idea though how complex that all would be to implement, and if it clashes or overlaps with any other tagging plans for the future....


2010/06/20 16:01

In reply to by Tom

I would still dearly love to see the requested fix for the wikitag field. Also I love the idea of having multiple possible wikitag fields - that it could be a type of field in the same way as a text field or a date field (suggested by jsonnabend).
I have no idea though how complex that all would be to implement, and if it clashes or overlaps with any other tagging plans for the future....
When I  said I changed my views about tagging (1 tag = 1 Y/N field), it's simply because I'd right now have to use forms and fields in ways that I fear would be hard to manage in the long term. And a few features are missing to make it a smooth experience.
But here are some thoughts, because in retrospect, maybe fields should be used as tags -- ... even the hierarchical organization is there, like Evernote (even if it's just a visual thing) !! -- both for performance reasons and because it seems that almost everything is already there for a great tagging experience.
Potential solution, for the quickest possible tagging :
A field providing a drop-down menu like the one in the add item window for field selection (but available in the grid) where one could insert all the tags either by hand (coma separated... so one could use any automation software like intellicomplete or AHK to accelerate tagging) OR using a multi-select drop-down menu... and IQ would parse the info and check all the corresponding Y/N fields.
Like I said, the add item field drop down menu for fields selection  works like that... so I don't see why it couldn't be implemented in the grid.
That would be, IMO, the ideal solution for a mix of quick tagging (using keyboard automation software) and user friendliness.
What do you think ?
Other solution elements for 1 tag = 1 field  
NOT as quick, but some stuff is interesting in there ... (some of it is taken from an early 2009 post I never published) :
1- to be able to assign many tags/fields at once when I'm editing an item, I'd have to set "tags groups"  using forms (containing different tag sets which can be assigned together, all at once, depending on the subject), and then use the the "apply a form to the current item" feature.
A form is probably still currently the best way to assign multiple values to an item. It's probably much quicker than selecting them one by one in a drop down menu. But not as quick as having a special field that would parse the data to the right fields.  (Plus, using forms, there's no way to assign tags in this way without using the mouse.... And setting multiple forms (probably between 60-80 in my case) would be painfully long. Maybe would it be thinkable for someone with different needs though...)
Forms could still be used in conjunction with proposed solution (in yellow) above though...
2- It takes a bit too long to create new tags AND then assign them to a form for later assignation to items. It's not terrible, but I guess that 2 things could help if this would be the chosen way (or even if not, as this would improve the work flow):
- If we could assign a field to forms from the field management window.
- forms should be displayed in a separate pane (so that one doesn't nee to constantly scroll up and down in the properties pane to see the filled fields, then add something from a form, than scroll back down to see the available fields, etc.)
- we should be able to see fields organized hierarchically in the field management window too, and not just the properties pane. And...  we'd just have to drag/drop them instead of specifying the parent ID number in the right pane (like for the properties pane). And, speaking about tags, users could put all their tag fields under a specific tree and it would be a bit easier to manage.
3- Many forms( 10s)  and fields (100s) can be hard to manage, especially in the "fields management window" where there's no hierarchy. To organize forms hierarchically (like grids, which still hasn't been implemented), would help those who use forms extensively.
4- Normally, IQ tags can only be used in IQ, and I want to be able to use my tags anywhere... So I'd ideally should be able to find a bridge between the tags I use in my file names, bookmarks, etc. and IQ
I personally use AHK to accelerate my tagging process (allows me to assign 15 tags to an item in less than 2s)... and I insert all my tags in one field in IQ : the wikitag field.
I don't use the braces "{ }", so they're not wikitags per se, just tags.
My AHK solution is much quicker and universal than any point and click UI would ever allow... HOWEVER :
So, to not lose our way here :
I repeat that
1- if a drop-down menu like the one in the add item window for field selection would be available in the grid, one could insert all the tags in that field,
     a- either by hand, coma separated (and so the user wouldn't be limited by IQ but could use any automation software like intellicomplete or, in my case AHK to accelerate tagging),
     b-  OR using a multi-select drop-down menu
2- and IQ would parse the info to all the corresponding Y/N fields.

Wouldn't that be great ? So we'd have all these advantages:
1- the better filtering performance provided by the YN fields
2- the easy tag assignation of a multiple selection drop-down menu AND/OR coma separated text entry.
3- statistics provided by the field management window telling us how many tags of a certain type has been assigned to an item
4- the possibility to more easily use pivot charts and other graphs (like mind maps) to visually display our current tagging usage.
5- [EDIT 2010 06 20 -- 16 13 : Another idea : a check box in the field management dialog could assign tag fields to a special "tag" section -- this is already available to hide/show fields in certain sections like the available fields one]
Opinions please... :)
Any disadvantages to such a solution ? If the special multi-selection field can't be added in the grid, it could be available in the properties pane, maybe ?
[Edited 2010 06 20 -- 16 14 -- sorry, there were many mistakes, etc.]


2010/06/21 08:46

In reply to by Armando

Potential solution, for the quickest possible tagging :
A field providing a drop-down menu like the one in the add item window for field selection (but available in the grid) where one could insert all the tags either by hand (coma separated... so one could use any automation software like intellicomplete or AHK to accelerate tagging) OR using a multi-select drop-down menu... and IQ would parse the info and check all the corresponding Y/N fields.
Like I said, the add item field drop down menu for fields selection  works like that... so I don't see why it couldn't be implemented in the grid.
That would be, IMO, the ideal solution for a mix of quick tagging (using keyboard automation software) and user friendliness.
What do you think ?
sounds good - I'd miss the ability to create a tag/field on the fly but OTOH I guess I personally wouldn't need that ability that often (would only miss it because it is there with wikitags)
[edit] - Shouldnt have posted before reading all your post -
[quote=Armando]I repeat that
1- if a drop-down menu like the one in the add item window for field selection would be available in the grid, one could insert all the tags in that field,
     a- either by hand, coma separated (and so the user wouldn't be limited by IQ but could use any automation software like intellicomplete or, in my case AHK to accelerate tagging),
     b-  OR using a multi-select drop-down menu
2- and IQ would parse the info to all the corresponding Y/N fields.[/quote]


2010/06/21 08:50

In reply to by Armando

# (2) & (3)  Field & Form requests sound good Armando
I wonder could the Forms be 'Managed'/edited in the same pane ? - it would reduce the number of panes - obviously not a big deal but just throwing it out there as an idea to simplify things (or maybe not, for Pierre!)


2010/06/21 10:50

In reply to by Tom

The important thing in what I wrote is in yellow. The rest is other ideas which could serve the tagging purpose, but maybe not important.
Creating tags on the fly : yes, with fields you can't. It's both good and bad. Good because it forces you to think when you first create a tag sothat you don't end up with dozens of useless tags. Bad because it breaks the flow if you're in a hurry. At the same time, invoking the Field management dialog isn't that long/hard.
The solution would probably to have something a bit like the "New Grid" dialog, a quick dialog just to create new Y/N tag/fields on the fly. 


2010/06/21 11:24

In reply to by Armando

I'll sumarise everything I said so that more easily digestible :
1- Implement a drop-down menu like the one in the add-item window for field selection that would be available in the grid (AND/OR properties pane?). One could insert all the tags in that "field" (not really a field I guess -- so that's why I wonder if the grid is the ideal place for it, logically speaking)

     a- either by hand, coma separated (and so the user wouldn't be limited by IQ but could use any automation software like intellicomplete or, in my case AHK to accelerate tagging),

     b-  OR using a multi-select drop-down menu
2- IQ would parse the info to all the corresponding Y/N fields.

3- tags/YN fields could be created almost on the fly with a simplified "New Field" dialog (like the "Create Grid" dialog). This simplified dialog would allow to a- create the field and b- add it under another field through a drop down menu ("Select parent" --> click on the parent field)
4- A check box in the field management dialog could assign tag fields to a special "tag" section -- this is already available to hide/show fields in certain sections like the available fields one]. This would allow to not have an unmanageable task list. Of course it would be possible for the user to name tags differently

A "1 tag = 1 field" approach would (I believe) provide these immediate advantages:

a- better filtering performance provided by the YN fields
b- easy tag assignation of a multiple selection drop-down menu AND/OR coma separated text entry.
c- statistics provided by the field management window telling us how many tags of a certain type has been assigned to an item
d- the possibility to more easily use pivot charts and other graphs (like mind maps) to visually display our current tagging usage.
e- "tags groups"  using forms (containing different tag sets) could be used to assign several tags at once (using the the "apply a form to the current item" feature).


2010/08/23 22:55

In reply to by Armando

It's probably worth looking at how Ecco Pro did this. I've attached a PDF of the relevant help files and pasted just the text below. I suggest reading it, then reading my post or the reverse depending on how familiar you are with Ecco Pro.
Ecco Pro had a "Pop-Up List Column" that worked like IQ's pop-up list. It only supported a single value at a time.
For multi-value they had a construct called a Multiple-Folder Column. It allowed you to show multiple folders in a single column. Since we don't have the term folder in IQ, I am going to call this a multi-column column or MCC in this post. And will call the sub-folders that are shown in the MCC "sub-columns"
In Ecco the list of sub-columns was based on the parent column/folder, since we don't have that we would have to add each sub-column to the MCC in the MCC description.
If a item had a value in a  sub-column, then item's cell would show the sub-columns name. Furthermore, you could edit the cell and actually edit each of the sub-column's values.
This seems to be close to what Armando is describing, but with the ability to actually edit sub-column values. What I would suggest is that perhaps you could implement it without the value editing. If you add a sub-column it gets the default value, if you want to edit the value you need to edit it in it's own column.
All that said, I used Multi-Folder Columns a lot, and I while I thought they were powerful I still think they were confusing (like many things in Ecco Pro). They also are limited to for doing true tagging and wiki like stuff (where you have lots of categories).
At first thought I lean towards implementing #1 of Armando list above first. A simple multi-select drop-down where the values are stored in that field. It makes it easy to add/remove values, and is consistent with 90% of the programs out there (outlook, anything with tags, etc).
Then I would look at multi-folder type stuff second.
Here is the text of the Ecco Pro help. And a PDF with pics is attached.

Pop-up List Columns

With Pop-up list columns you select a cell value from a pre-established list.

If you select a cell in a pop-up list column, ECCO displays a value edit box.

In this box you can choose the down arrow to display a list of existing values (and then select a value from the list).

                Type a new value.

                Select Edit Values to display the Pop-Up List Column Values dialog box. In this dialog box, you can add, modify, or delete values in the pop-up list column.

About Multiple-Folder Columns

Although a column typically displays the values for a single folder, it's possible to have a column show values from several folders. This can be useful when only a few (of many) folders are likely to be used with each item in a view. Setting up columns for multiple folders is also useful for working with items that have multiple values or folder assignments that you want to view and edit in one place.

For example, Hanna has a folder for each of her assistants. As tasks come up that need to be attended to, Hanna can assign them to her assistants by adding them to folders. Hanna would like to see at a glance which tasks are in which folders without having to dedicate a column to each of her assistants.

In the folder window, Hanna creates a folder called "Assistants" and makes a folder for each of her assistants subordinate to that folder.

She then creates a multiple-folder column using the "Assistants" column. For each task in the Notepad, those subordinate folders that contain the item will be displayed in the corresponding cell of this column.

Note the following about multiple-folder columns:

If an item in the view has been added to a subfolders, the folder's name appears in the multiple-folder column cell to its right.

                If the folder contains a value, the value appears along with the folder name.

                You can add, delete, or edit the values in each subfolder by clicking the column cell.

                You can include folders without values in a multiple-folder column, and you can use the column to view folder assignments, add items to folders, and remove items from folders quickly, in a single location.


Notes From Dave

Here is a snapshot of what it looks like when viewing

Here is a snapshot of what it looks like when editing, notice you can have checkmark folder/columns and date folder/columns combined. If it has a value then the folder is listed in the cell.




2010/08/23 23:46

In reply to by reesd

Thanks for that post, Dave. Yes, this is surprisingly close to what I suggested a while ago !
The only thing that's missing now in IQ is the concept of multi-folder and subordinate columns.
Is there a way IQ could do that Pierre ? And did you read my previous suggestion ?
IQ would be even more powerful then Ecco in terms of tagging if it could integrate :
1- The special fields acting like "multi-fields" fields
2- The Ordinary fields
3- And... the capacity to organize fields hierarchically (it's already possible in the properties pane but this could be slightly expended and be used even for filtering etc., à la EverNote : e.g. a filter could written set to show everything a "multi fields" field contains... meaning all its subordinate fields all at once.
A 1 tag = 1 field  would also be compatible with the method I currently use to "tag" items** .
Namely : just entering terms in a text field, coma separated. Nothing can beat quick typing when this is assisted by AHK or some other software used as a "text expander".
With the implementation of a solution similar to the one you and I suggested, I'd still be able to enter coma separated strings in a field and IQ would be able to map each term to the corresponding field.  NOTE : It can already do that in the Add Item dialog : enter a bunch of fields -- comma separated -- and the corresponding Boolean fields are checked...
** Even if I'd like to, I don't use fields anymore to tag because it isn't quick enough. I don't like spending time tagging stuff... it has to be real quick... Otherwise, it's a real pain. So I use an AHK script to expand abbreviations, and enter in the WikiTag fields series of terms.
For example, if I type "Pgeép", AHK will expand the string to : tgsPdivt tgsPCrCh tgsPGeÉp +tgsPat tgsPmout tgsPdae  tgsPCrAr+
(these are coded tags based on the ABCZ abbreviation technique)
Entering all these one by one would be extremely long and cumbersome while it takes less than a second  with AHK ( I just have to include it in my script first, which takes about 30 sec... And its done for good.)


2010/08/23 23:53

In reply to by Armando

it's already possible in the properties pane but this could be slightly expended and be used even for filtering etc., à la EverNote
You've read my mind. It is to early to discuss here, but the new UI (v0.9.27) will take from Ecco Pro and from EverNote


2010/08/24 00:24

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

it's already possible in the properties pane but this could be slightly expended and be used even for filtering etc., à la EverNote
You've read my mind. It is to early to discuss here, but the new UI (v0.9.27) will take from Ecco Pro and from EverNote
Ah! Very very cool, Pierre.
Too early, certainly. Each think in its own time. Although these discussions can sometimes produce interesting ideas.
What about the tagging idea mentioned in my earlier post ?


2010/08/24 00:35

In reply to by Armando

Tags and y/n fields are very similar...


2010/08/24 00:47

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Tags and y/n fields are very similar...
Yes, sure. A tag can be anything. In a broad sense, I consider any field as a tag. But by tagging we generally mean : giving semantic characteristics (using words or whatever) to something for easier or better identification.
That said, my "question" had less to do with the concept of 1 tag= 1 YN fields than with the method I proposed to readily use YN fields as "tags"
Quoting  from my earlier post, my suggestion was along these lines (note that at that time I didn't know how to call these "special field" that could contain "multiple fields" references ) :
1- Implement a drop-down menu like the one in the add-item window for field selection that would be available in the grid (AND/OR properties pane?). One could insert all the tags in that "field" (not really a field I guess -- so that's why I wonder if the grid is the ideal place for it, logically speaking)

     a- either by hand, coma separated (and so the user wouldn't be limited by IQ but could use any automation software like intellicomplete or, in my case AHK to accelerate tagging),
     b-  OR using a multi-select drop-down menu
2- IQ would parse the info to all the corresponding Y/N fields.


3- tags/YN fields could be created almost on the fly with a simplified "New Field" dialog (like the "Create Grid" dialog). This simplified dialog would allow to a- create the field and b- add it under another field through a drop down menu ("Select parent" --> click on the parent field)

4- A check box in the field management dialog could assign tag fields to a special "tag" section -- this is already available to hide/show fields in certain sections like the available fields one]. This would allow to not have an unmanageable task list. Of course it would be possible for the user to name tags differently
 A "1 tag = 1 field" approach would (I believe) provide these immediate advantages:
a- better filtering performance provided by the YN fields
b- easy tag assignation of a multiple selection drop-down menu AND/OR coma separated text entry.
c- statistics provided by the field management window telling us how many tags of a certain type has been assigned to an item
d- the possibility to more easily use pivot charts and other graphs (like mind maps) to visually display our current tagging usage.
e- "tags groups"  using forms (containing different tag sets) could be used to assign several tags at once (using the the "apply a form to the current item" feature).

Would there be any interest to translate wikitags into a filter cloud (don't know if I'm using the right term but look @ my blog here to see what I mean.)
scroll down a bit & in right column you will see filters generated by tags
It could be displayed in it's own pane.


2010/08/24 15:04

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Would there be any interest to translate wikitags into a filter cloud (don't know if I'm using the right term but look @ my blog here to see what I mean.)
scroll down a bit & in right column you will see filters generated by tags
It could be displayed in it's own pane.
If certain fields would be defined as "tags" and grouped inside a "super-field" or "multi-fields" field, this would be easy. Or you could start those fields used as tags with a certain prefix so that you could immediately see them grouped in the properties pane. You could also group them hierarchically to further facilitate visualisation.
In any case -- like your "filter cloud" -- you can always see any item to which a specific field has been "assigned" by typing its name in the filter text box OR double clicking on fields in the properties pane OR right click --> show items with values for this field.
This as simple IMO. F4 --> double click on field