Calendar looks great Pierre !!
Do you have a list anywhere of what's planned for it?
I havent used it much but straight away have a few minor suggestions and queries (some if not all are pretty obvious but I'll post anyway)
- mini-calendar on the left only shows four months . I presume more is planned for that view? A full year would be nice -- a never-ending scrollable calendar would be even better
- The draggable year changer under the mini-calendar is great, but changes so quickly that it's difficult to control (could it be setup so that when you get to the end, it will keep 'scrolling' through the years - that way it maybe could be implemented slower?)
- Label of event overlaps time making it unreadable (see shot below) - I presume label should take preference (?)
- Is colour-coding items planned? (manually and/or automatically according to e.g. private etc.)
- the 'My Calendars' seems to be not implemented yet (?)
- minor (and may be unavoidable): if I select the month of January (@ 31 days) the first few days from the previous year do not show
Recurring items:
- modify the title of an individual event in a recurring series: does not work properly here - display splits to show as two recurring events (see screenshot below - note if one is deleted both are deleted so it is not a new item, just a display issue)

Recurring items suggestions/ideas:
- some indication if individual recurring items have been modified
would I be going too far if I asked for recurring item's that are in the past - that they have a different colour to ones yet to happen (?) :-)[I reckon this is not really practical - what would you think of a change of backgroud colour for the calendar before current date?]
Calendar menu (in the main menu entries): most entries don't seem to do anything there... "Time line view" ? "Use new UI" ? I'm sure you're aware of that though."Calendar options" : drop downs are empty. OK/Cancel doesn't do anything and options aren't saved. Al already mentioned some of it.Ctrl+shift + o for triggering the grid menu from within the calendar doesn't work (note that this doesn't work from within the "Find" grid either.)Ctrl+F to call the "Find" grid from within the calendar doesn't workCtrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab doesn't work well either when the calendar is there : the calendar disrupts the focus circulation. Same with the "Find" grid/view BTW.Minor/cosmetic stuff: "New calendar" in view menu should probably be removed. And probably "use new UI" also (if irrelevant)?
It would be important to be able to copy and paste multiple events/appointments at once. (This is obviously possible to achieve by using a grid that displays appointments, which is good workaround in the mean time.)Addendum.Would also be good:- Drag/drop events from the calendar to dates in the mini calendar (to either copy or move events to other dates).- Horizontal scroll while in "normal" mode (here I can only scroll by clicking with the mouse and dragging the page to the left or right.) Can scroll using standard -- keyboard arrows / mouse wheel / touchpad horizontal scrolling.When the calendar is open, "Grid" (understandably) disappears from the menu.
I noticed a small bug with the options : they don't stick if changed while the calendar is opened -- at least some of them don't, like the work day and day time scale. For the options to stich, calendar needs to be closed, options changed and then calendar reopened. I haven't tried all options so can't comment on all of them
- Drag drop an event from the "normal calendar" to some other date in the mini calendar : seems to work... but the event later disappears from where it was dropped (if you look at the properties pane, you'll see that, effectively, the event's date hasn't changed).- Little cross at bottom right of selected event : doesn't always appear, sometimes disappears, sometimes stays... Seems to be linked to whether I left click with ctrl or not, but.... even then, it seems to also obey to some other logic
Running in Portable mode
in pre-release 26, the calendar is again showing days only when compressed withwise - I was sure is was showing numbers (dates) in version 25 but can no longer confirm that...[FIXED in pre-release 27] [see following post - works sometimes, sometimes not]