Has anyone else given thought to how best to use spreadsheets with InfoQube? I've worked through various possibilities but haven't been able to come up with a satisfactory solution. I'll post just a few points and see if anyone is interested in discussing it further.
1) Some info is best organized in simple spreadsheet layout.
2) Doing this in grids is difficult because each layout requires a different set of columns. I could create and link to a separate grid for each layout but that would create many dozens of grids.
3) HTML panes have tables, but I find them awkward and frustrating to use.
4) I could put the info in Excel and link to it from InfoQube, which I've been doing. It would be nice to have it displayed directly in InfoQube but I haven't figured out how to do that. Unlike PDF's, InfoQube can't open and display spreadsheets. An image of a spreadsheet can be pasted into the HTML pane, but this has to be repeated every time the spreadsheet is updated.
Any avenues of thought I haven't considered?
And yes, I also looked to see if it was possible to embed a spreadsheet into IQ. I think the only time I've ever seen that ability is in Microsoft office where they allow one type of office doc to be embedded in another. It sure would be neat if an Excel doc could be embedded in the IQ pane. That would be pretty crazy cool.
From some of the things Pierre has been accomplishing lately it doesn't seem too far fetched to think some type of on the fly spreadsheet functionality would be possible in IQ some day.