Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2022/11/09 12:30

Hi IQ Users !

Version v121 is now online ! It includes three much anticipated new features along with numerous other improvements and bug fixes:

  1. Add by Form and View by / Apply Form dialog
  2. Card View integration with Related Items. Can now show/ add / remove Related Items links
  3. Evernote - InfoQube Tags Sync

The full release notes are:

  1. New: Forms dialog: Add by Form / View by Form (Tools > Forms command, default shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+O and Ctrl+Shift+N). Details here
  2. New: Forms dialog can be assigned a global hotkey (tools > Options > search for hotkey. Default is Shift+Win+N
  3. New: Forms dialog: Added Add a Copy and Keep Values options
  4. New: Evernote Sync: Full support for synching tags between IQ and Evernote. Details here
  5. New: Card View: Integration with Related Items. Can now show/ add / remove Related Items links
  6. New: Card View: Card back side now shows item tags. Click tag hyperlink to view all items with this tag
  7. New: Card View: Press the Home key to move to center (100% zoom), press a second time to center on the selected item
  8. New: Card View: Context menu now show shortcut keys
  9. New: Card View: Drag-drop items from other UIs
  10. New: Grid: Hyperlink format option: Supports the following HTML codes: <b>, <u>, <i> and <bgcolor=RRGGBB>
  11. New: Grid: Column menu: Hidden Columns dropdown command now shows as "checked" when there are hidden columns
  12. New: Grid: Hyperlinks: Links to grids can now include a filter (format GridName | Filter string
  13. New: Grid: Option to show Tags as hyperlinks or not
  14. New: Grid: Copy / Paste Outlook items now support more email and task information
  15. New: Grid: Copy / Paste Outlook calendar events to a grid will create corresponding events to be shown in the IQ Calendar (with the same start date and duration)
  16. New: Grid: Paste: If the URL field is empty and the clipboard contains 1 or more URLs, the URLs will be copied to the URL field. Parses URLs (text) and html anchor elements. Limit to 6 links
  17. New: Grid: New Item >Select Siblings and Select Level commands. Both commands support multiple selections
  18. New: Tags: Option to auto-correct item text for invalid characters
  19. New: URL field: Supports multiple URLs, Enter | separated list of URLs
  20. New: Calendar: Event tooltip now show event subject. Tooltip also shown in left pane events
  21. New: Reminders: New UI with support for Snooze and Dismiss
  22. New: Surface: Click on a link will show control points (start, mid, end). Click and drag to change the link shape or change the start / end link position
  23. New: Surface: Auto-Arrange: Option to optimize link lines or not
  24. New: Live-Search: Item > Marked Items > Add as Sub-item / Add as Related item is now available (before had to show items in the Search grid to do these commands)
  25. New: Live-Search: Show results in the current grid: A dialog is now shown before hoisting the grid to show the results
  26. New: Doc pane / Item Editor: Better support for tab-delimited content
  27. New: Doc pane / Item Editor: New context menu for images
  28. New: Doc pane: Mini toolbar shown to expand / collapse headings and to view / edit hyperlinks. Click and move up to show toolbar
  29. New: Doc pane: Ctrl+E now saves any changes before showing it in the Item Editor
  30. New: Related Items dialog: Supports copy-paste and drag-drop to other UIs. A new super fast way to access items. Default shortcut is Ctrl+R
  31. New: Advanced Search pane: Numerous improvements
  32. New: Field auto-assign can now assign tags using a VBScript function. Use AME: AFunction([AField1]) where AFunction returns a string, such as #Tag1
  33. New: Field: Row equation auto-update: Show a confirmation dialog as this can affect UI responsiveness when opening a file
  34. New: Options: Show all view names on horizontal tabs (some views, such as Calendar, Surface, etc) only showed icons)
  35. New: Options: This database: Item short form text length
  36. New: History: Option to set the number of items in the history (default=20)
  37. New: History: Back and Forward command buttons show the item text
  38. New: Manage Fields dialog: Copy field command now exports a text format and a tab-delimited format. The tab-delimited format can be pasted in the Doc pane as a table
  39. New: Manage Fields dialog: Export field summary now includes created / modified dates (useful to see recent changes to fields)
  40. New: Hyperlink dialog: New Parse button. Extracts URLs from the text
  41. New: Database Management: Mask Data: Option to keep tags
  42. New: Backups: Automatic deletion of timed backups now go to the recycle bin
  43. New: Outlook: Email mailbox field
  44. New: Keyboard Shortcuts: On program close, a user keyboard shortcuts backup file is created in the user's folder. Load this file to restore shortcuts if an update erase these
  45. New: File > Properties: More information and supports copy
  46. New: Improved dialog when a software updates cause changes to menus and toolbars
  47. Change: Ctrl+W no longer closes panes, only tabs
  48. Change: Grid: Time to load the grid is no longer shown on the status bar, but on the workspace tab tooltip
  49. Change: Smoother pane animations (enable animations in Tools > Options)
  50. Fixed: Grid: Joining items: Sub-items were not assigned to the joined item
  51. Fixed: Grid: WYSIWYG editor: entering <b> was converted to bold tag, same for <i>, <u> and <s> tags
  52. Fixed: Grid: Hyperlink format ItemID|GridName did not work (open item in a specific grid)
  53. Fixed: Grid: The Item info command could not be moved to a toolbar or to a different position in the item context menu
  54. Fixed: Grid: Removing a parent from an item now correctly moves the item as a TLI if it meets the grid source. Before the item was removed and a refresh was required to view it
  55. Fixed: Grid: Paste: URL Parsing did not work in edit mode
  56. Fixed: Grid: If the grid source is a tag, indenting an item did not remove the tag (as it does for a field source)
  57. Fixed: Grid: When deleting multiple items no dialog was shown for locked items
  58. Fixed: Grid: WYSIWYG editor: Better handling of characters (HTML entity encoding)
  59. Fixed: Grid: Better support for copy / paste multi-line text items
  60. Fixed: Grid: Improved copy / paste from Ecco Pro to IQ
  61. Fixed: Grid: WYSIWYG editor: Hyperlink text formatting was removed after editing
  62. Fixed: Gantt: Alt+left/right did not work for milestone items (items without an end date)
  63. Fixed: Calendar: Some operations could cause the Left pane to scroll
  64. Fixed: CardView: Some commands did not work correctly when the view was in a pane
  65. Fixed: Cardview: Applying a filter now correctly unselects cards that were filtered out
  66. Fixed: Cardview: Ctrl+left/right did not resize card
  67. Fixed: Live-Search: Search in Current Grid did not always work
  68. Fixed: For some UIs, the Add as Sub-item and Add as Related item only worked for the first selected item
  69. Fixed: Live-Search hyperlinks were sometimes wrong (due to search term highlighting)
  70. Fixed: Doc pane: Sometimes command buttons were shown as disabled when they should have been enabled
  71. Fixed: Doc pane: When floating, F6 did not move focus back to the grid
  72. Fixed: Properties pane: Sub-items with no item text were not shown in the Children section (so the child count did not match the list of children)
  73. Fixed: Properties pane: grids in grid groups were not shown in alphabetic order
  74. Fixed: Tags pane: Faster updates when Inheritance depth is All
  75. Fixed: Tags: Some UIs did not reflect changes when a tag was deleted (either in the Tags pane or the Tags grid
  76. Fixed: Find / Filter dialog: Additional filter did not always work
  77. Fixed: Google Calendar Sync: Time zone was using fixed offsets which resulted in repeating events occurring at different times for standard vs daylight saving days
  78. Fixed: Evernote Sync: When a heading was collapsed, the content was not shown in Evernote
  79. Fixed: New item dialog: Ctrl+A did not work
  80. Fixed: Import: Hierarchical import sometimes assigned sub-item as top level items


If 2022 wasn't too harsh on you, don't forget to contribute to this project. Your support is essential in building the best information management system in the world (lol, yeah, really) 💲✔💌

IQ Designer


In V121Pre2, if I uncheck "Show Tags as hyperlink", Tags are longer no blue and underlined (which is my current formatting for regular hyperlinks).

However, I then also loose the ability to click on the Tag to "Show Items" for this Tag.
Would it be easy to add a right click menu command "Show Items (- with this Tag)"?
Now the only way is to go to the Tag Pane and right click there.

I have a source filter in one my grids "ItemCreated > now-7". With the new version, all the items are hidden. If I remove the filter, I see all the items.
I opened the same database in v120b with the filter active, and the filtered items are back.

EDIT: The above only applies when the source is a Tag.

Since the update I'm having difficulties getting the drop-down list to appear in text fields. Sometime it works on single click, sometimes on double-click, and sometimes on neither.  This is different from v120b.

Just installed 121 pre2 and TA-DA I have now sum and averages. I just finished what would normally have been 2.5 hours work in less than 20 mins.


Thank you very much indeed Pierre


Hi IQ Users !

v121Pre3 is now online:

  1. New: Add by Form / View by Form dialog
  2. New: Add by Form dialog can be assigned a global hotkey (tools > Options > search for hotkey. Default is Shift+Win+N
  3. New: Grid: Copy / Paste Outlook calendar events to a grid will create corresponding events to be shown in the IQ Calendar (with the same start date and duration)
  4. New: Grid: Copy / Paste Outlook items now support more email and task information
  5. New: History: Option to set the number of items in the history (default=20)
  6. New: Options: This database: Item short form text length
  7. Fixed: Grid: Hyperlink format ItemID|GridName did not work (open item in a specific grid)
  8. Fixed: Live-Search hyperlinks were sometimes wrong (due to search term highlighting)


IQ Designer

Hi Pierre,
Thank you so much for the "New: Add by Form / View by Form dialog" and the "New: Grid: Copy / Paste Outlook items now support more email and task information"!!! It really enhances IQ! I have some questions and issues and I will post them separately.

Thanks for the update!
However, I can still not get the Tags to work in "Add by Form". The default Tags are not added to the item.
Neither is a manually added Tag.


Some questions on recent versions:

  1. What exactly does this setting affect? "IQ - New: Options: This database: Item short form text length"
  2. Also, I've noticed a delay in switching to other programs (via Alt-Tab) immediately after pasting text into an IQ item. Has that been fixed?
  3. Would it be possible to include options to disable some IQ functionality in order to increase IQ's performance in refreshing the grid after certain actions / to increase overall performance?


Hi Left !

  1. Truncates item text in some UIs
  2. I haven't seen this before. Can you reproduce it ?
  3. There are a few options, depending of the specific speed issues. If you can be more specific or reproduce it in a sample app, I can help and/or improve IQ

IQ Designer

Thanks for your reply, Pierre!

So 1. does not affect the grid view?

2. Will try with the sample database.

3. It's not that IQ is terribly slow, just not Ecco-instantaneous (when just editing stuff in an outline). So I was thinking since I haven't used a number of advanced features yet, e. g. tags or multi-parents, and probably never will, maybe IQ could be snappier if there was something like a "basic mode" I could enable rather than "advanced mode". Perhaps I should try the outliner version and see if it performs noticeably better when editing grids to see what might be achieved. Wouldn't want to give up on the calendar or conditional formatting though.

Hi IQ Users !

v121Pre5 is now online ! :

  1. New: Calendar: Event tooltip now show event subject. Tooltip also shown in left pane events
  2. New: Surface: Auto-Arrange: Option to optimize link lines or not
  3. New: Surface: Click on a link will show control points (start, mid, end). Click and drag to change the link shape or change the start / end link position
  4. New: Doc pane / Item Editor: Better support for tab-delimited content
  5. New: Manage Fields dialog: Copy field command now exports a text format and a tab-delimited format. The tab-delimited format can be pasted in the Doc pane as a table
  6. New: Manage Fields dialog: Export field summary now includes created / modified dates (useful to see recent changes to fields)
  7. New: Hyperlink dialog: New Parse button. Extracts URLs from the text
  8. New: History: Back and Forward command buttons show the item text
  9. New: Outlook: Email mailbox field
  10. Fixed: Grid: The Item info command could not be moved to a toolbar or to a different position in the item context menu


IQ Designer

Hi Pierre,

Thanks for adding the "New: Outlook: Email mailbox field"!
It is actually not the mailbox but the E-mail account the E-mail was sent to. For example, I have Emails sent to These are forwarded to  In Outlook, is shown in the "To" field and is shown in "E-mail account" field.
In any case, I wanted the "To" field anyway so this is perfect for me (I just changed the IQ field name from "Emailbox" to "EmailTo")!

What is the intended use for "New: Hyperlink dialog: New Parse button. Extracts URLs from the text"?
For example, I pasted a hyperlink and the item is:
The hyperlink dialogue shows:

After I click on Parse Text, I get:

After clicking on "OK", this replaces the item with a link "(Link)" without any text. If I click on the link, I am asked which of the two links I want to go to...

Hi viking,

It should parse the text and return the URLs. To be used when there are multiple URLs in the text

  1. Hyperlink Text should not be empty. Please provide exact steps as it works here
  2. Parsing did not work because of the multiple - in the URL. Fixed in the next version
  3. Parsing should not return the same URL (or parts of) more than once. Fixed in the next version

I have tested copy/pasting several different hyperlinks by selecting the text and do Ctrl+C to copy using Firefox & Chrome. After pasting into IQ, the "Hyperlink Text" is always empty. However, it still shows the text and has a working hyperlink.

For example: Google News
The item has the html code in IQ: 
<A href="">Google News

Most unusual HTML format used here. The A element format is <A href="oaejfeowijfo">Some link text </A>

In your example, the A tag as no content but uses the aria-label attribute for the link text. I'll need to handle this new link method separately.

To view that, you can open your browser's developer tools to examine the actual html code

For the record, Google's own GMail does not recognize this hyperlink as a hyperlink !!

In fact, reading on aria-label, it seems clear to me that it should NOT be used for the purpose used here (Google News)


Hi IQ Users !

v121Pre6 is now online !

  1. New: Card View: Integration with Related Items. Can now show/ add / remove Related Items links
  2. New: Grid: Paste: If the URL field is empty and the clipboard contains 1 or more URLs, the URLs will be copied to the URL field
  3. New: URL field: Supports multiple URLs, Enter | separated list of URLs
  4. New: File > Properties: More information and supports copy
  5. New: Backups: Automatic deletion of timed backups now go to the recycle bin

If 2022 wasn't too harsh on you, don't forget to contribute to this project. Your support is essential in building the best information management system in the world (lol, yeah, really) 💲✔💌

IQ Designer

1. I wasn't sure if I should click Yes or No to the new toolbar question:

I clicked Yes to the new toolbars and in one IQ file and lost my custom toolbars.
I clicked No to the new toolbars in another IQ file and still lost my toolbars.

2. : "New: Grid: Paste: If the URL field is empty and the clipboard contains 1 or more URLs, the URLs will be copied to the URL field" doesnt work for me. I went here: and copied/pasted "Documents" as a new item. However, the URL field is still blank


Hi IQ Users !

v121Pre8 is now online !

  1. New: Card View: Card back side now shows item tags. Click tag hyperlink to view all items with this tag
  2. New: Card View: Context menu now show shortcut keys
  3. New: Card View: Press the Home key to move to center (100% zoom), press a second time to center on the selected item
  4. New: Advanced Search pane: Numerous improvements
  5. New: Ctrl+W no longer closes panes, only tabs
  6. Fixed: Grid: Removing a parent from an item now correctly moves the item as a TLI if it meets the grid source. Before the item was removed and a refresh was required to view it
  7. Fixed: CardView: Some commands did not work correctly when the view was in a pane
  8. Fixed: Cardview: Applying a filter now correctly unselects cards that were filtered out
  9. Fixed: Cardview: Ctrl+left/right did not resize card
  10. Fixed: Doc pane: Sometimes command buttons were shown as disabled when they should have been enabled

[edit] silent update to support parsing not only URLs in text but also anchor elements (when pasting as html format) [/edit]

If 2022 wasn't too harsh on you, don't forget to contribute to this project. Your support is essential in building the best information management system in the world (lol, yeah, really) 💲✔💌

IQ Designer

I still cannot get the URL feature to work using updated pre8. I selected and copied the text of a hyperlink on a website and pasted it into IQ as html. It properly creates an item hyperlink. It is shows as "" (ctrl-K). However, this link is not added to the URL field.



Hi IQ Users !

v121Pre9 is now online:

  1. New: Card View: Drag-drop items from other UIs
  2. New: Improved dialog when a software updates cause changes to menus and toolbars


IQ Designer

Hi IQ Users !

v121Pre10 is now online:

  1. New: Keyboard Shortcuts: On program close, a user keyboard shortcuts backup file is created in the user's folder. Load this file to restore shortcuts if an update erase these
  2. Fixed: Grid: If the grid source is a tag, indenting an item did not remove the tag (as it does for a field source)
  3. Fixed: Grid: Paste: URL Parsing did not work in edit mode
  4. Fixed: EN Sync: When a heading was collapsed, the content was not shown in Evernote


IQ Designer

All good now.  Rather than trying to fix by clearing Chrome cache, I just downloaded it in Firefox.  Just noticed something interesting.  If I unzip using the Windows context menu Extract All option, the current date becomes the modified date of every file.  If I unzip using 7-Zip, the modified date of each file is the same as it was in the Zip file.

Pierre, Thank you for;

  • Fixed: Grid: If the grid source is a tag, indenting an item did not remove the tag (as it does for a field source)
  • Fixed: Grid: Paste: URL Parsing did not work in edit mode

It solved two of my issues discussed in the forum :-)

Hi IQ Users !

v121 is now online:

  1. New: Evernote Sync: Full support for synching tags between IQ and Evernote. Details here
  2. New: Doc pane / Item Editor: New context menu for images
  3. New: Tags: Option to auto-correct item text for invalid characters
  4. New: Related Items dialog: Supports copy-paste and drag-drop to other UIs. A new super fast way to access items. Default shortcut is Ctrl+R
  5. Fixed: Grid: When deleting multiple items no dialog was shown for locked items
  6. Fixed: New item dialog: Ctrl+A did not work


IQ Designer

Hi IQ Users !

v121a is now online:

  1. New: Doc pane: Mini toolbar shown to expand / collapse headings and to view / edit hyperlinks. Click and move up to show toolbar
  2. Change: Grid: Time to load the grid is no longer shown on the status bar, but on the workspace tab tooltip
  3. Change: Smoother pane animations (enable animations in Tools > Options)
  4. Fixed: Grid: Better support for copy / paste multi-line text items
  5. Fixed: Grid: Improved copy / paste from Ecco Pro to IQ
  6. Fixed: Grid: WYSIWYG editor: Better handling of characters (HTML entity encoding)
  7. Fixed: Gantt: Alt+left/right did not work for milestone items (items without an end date)
  8. Fixed: Live-Search: Search in Current Grid did not always work
  9. Fixed: Doc pane: When floating, F6 did not move focus back to the grid


IQ Designer

Many thanks for:

  • Fixed: Grid: Better support for copy / paste multi-line text items
  • Fixed: Grid: Improved copy / paste from Ecco Pro to IQ

It appears to work great now! I was able to copy/paste this from Ecco to IQ:
I had some weird results a couple of times, but I have not been able to reproduce. (If I have any issues, I will follow up in the previous bug post)

I am not able to get the new toolbar to show up:
New: Doc pane: Mini toolbar shown to expand / collapse headings and to view / edit hyperlinks. Click and move up to show toolbar: X high CPU usage..
Also, what does "X high CPU usage.." mean? Does the toolbar cause high CPU?

Hi IQ Users !

v121b is now online:

  1. New: Grid: New Item >Select Siblings and Select Level commands. Both commands support multiple selections
  2. New: Live-Search: Show results in the current grid: A dialog is now shown before hoisting the grid to show the results
  3. New: Doc pane: Ctrl+E now saves any changes before showing it in the Item Editor
  4. Fixed: Calendar: Some operations could cause the Left pane to scroll
  5. Fixed: Grid: WYSIWYG editor: Hyperlink text formatting was removed after editing


IQ Designer
