Image Edit Freeze

Submitted by WayneK on 2021/02/09 19:42
To edit image in
You can edit an image by double right-clicking on it in the edit window.  The dialogue lets you change the image size (width).
When I try to do that now, the dialogue window comes up frozen in place and flashing.  You cannot access any of the settings.
I recently updated from 116m to 117pre3.  Pretty sure the problem appeared after the update.

Auto Popup/Popout Panes

Submitted by jimspoon on 2021/02/09 16:37
Most of my items don't have document pane content or linked images - so when I am browsing through items it would be easy to miss this additional content.  It might be helpful if I had an option to have the Document Pane automatically appear when I browse to an item with Document Pane content.  Also an option to have an Image Viewer pane pop up when I browsed to an item with a linked image.  These panes could be hidden when I browse to an item without document pane content or a linked image.

Grid with many items, how to open the most recent items instead of the oldest?

Submitted by d bartlett on 2021/02/06 14:44
 Hi Pierre,
When opening a grid containing literally thousands of items, and the dialog box (if so enabled) pops up first asking if you want to open the first 1000 items (or whatever the # count setting is) or all items (which will take longer) where or how do I change a setting so the most recent items (say 1000, for instance) open instead of the oldest items?
I understand in Options/Grids where and how to change the number of items that open, but it's always the oldest items that open.   I want to change that to the most recent items.
Dour Bartlett

Please help - Lost Settings

Submitted by WayneK on 2021/02/05 09:36
I've lost all my settings (tabs, toolbars, colors, options settings etc).  Is there any way to recover these and what can I do to prevent this in the future?
I have 116m installed version.
Last night my computer became unstable in a way I've never seen before.  Screen was blacking out and coming back on and no programs would respond.  Eventually had to just turn it off.
When I re-started again this morning, all my old settings were replaced with generic default ones.
I think what might have happened is that the welcome file got launched somehow (I see it in the list of recent files).  When the computer finally locked up, it got tagged as the "last closed", which I think makes its settings apply to all future file openings.
Really hope this is recoverable.

Items with custom font attributes not zooming with the grid

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2021/02/03 16:11
As soon as I set an item to have a different font than the grid default or to have the same font at a different size or set it e.g. to bold, that item's text size is no longer increased or decereased when zooming in or out on the grid, making the zoom function pretty worthless. Can this be fixed?
I also noticed that the ItemTextSize field has strange values and that I am unable to edit it in any way via the properties pane.
(still on Pre2 for the time being)

Item back colors lost in 117 Pre3

Submitted by LM77 on 2021/02/03 12:08
Recently, after updating to 117 Pre3, I discovered that the Item Back colors which I had used to mark numerous items in my main IQ base had disappeared, and all these items were now left with no item back colors!
I accordingly opened an earlier IQ base, which had been saved - and left untouched - before pre3 was released. Here all of the colors were preserved, but not too long afterwards when I opened this IQ base again, the colors disappeared!
When I reverted to the 117 pre2 version colors from an earlier IQ base were preserved, although this did NOT let me restore the colors in the IQ base where they had been lost.
Your help would be most appreciated!

117 Pre3 New notes created with the "New Note" hotkeys not going into Inbox.

Submitted by lbw2112 on 2021/02/02 08:52
 Not sure if maybe the settings are a little different but when creating a new note with the hotkeys the note is not going into Inbox, even through I have the Assign To Inbox checked.
I tried unchecking and checking again but didn't change anything.