ItemHTMLFile contains only a file name, not a pathname - IQ looks for the file in the .Files folder. .Files folder is set in Option 2.4.10, and is stored in <database name>.ini in the same folder as the corresponding .sndb database file.
ItemHTMLFile contains both a pathname and filename - IQ finds the file at the designated path and filename.
FileName has only a filename, no pathname, and FilePath is empty - IQ finds the file if it is located in the .Files folder. Image Viewer displayed an image file I put into the .Files folder and referenced this way.
FilePath or ItemHTMLFile contains network pathnames in form \\computername\sharename\pathname\filename - IQ can find the linked file from different computers on the network. Handy when using synced database is loaded into IQ on different network computers, and the database contains links to files residing on compute