Recent Forum Posts
Date Title Author # Last When
2024-11-10 Database rebuild questions WayneK 2 WayneK 2024-11-12
2024-10-31 Double-click expand/collapse not working correctly WayneK 14 WayneK 2024-11-08
2025-01-30 Group Training Sessions Pierre_Admin 15 desbest 2024-11-07
2024-11-06 Pasting into multiple cells of a text field WayneK 3 Pierre_Admin 2024-11-06
2024-09-12 Drop item on url column / field creates hyperlink to that item. TMZ 2 TMZ 2024-11-04
2024-10-26 Can't delete item in calendar LeftEccoForIQ 3 LeftEccoForIQ 2024-10-27
2024-02-17 Window position no longer restored LeftEccoForIQ 6 LeftEccoForIQ 2024-10-27
2024-10-22 IQ Training Session #10: Text formatting in grids, doc pane and other UI Pierre_Admin 0 Pierre_Admin 2024-10-22
2024-09-15 Googly sync: Can't get events of Google sub-calendar to show up in IQ on setting "view events only" LeftEccoForIQ 5 LeftEccoForIQ 2024-10-12
2024-10-05 Find and filter question WayneK 3 Pierre_Admin 2024-10-06
2024-05-24 Shortcut to re-size individual text? WayneK 6 Pierre_Admin 2024-10-03
2024-10-01 How do I determine existing font? WayneK 3 Pierre_Admin 2024-10-03
2024-05-02 New PDF features WayneK 9 Pierre_Admin 2024-10-01
2024-10-01 Support for URLs to PDF files WayneK 1 Pierre_Admin 2024-10-01
2024-09-24 InfoQube v1.125.8 is now available Pierre_Admin 18 jimspoon 2024-09-26
2024-09-25 Alert me when trying to input alphabetical options within "fixed list popup" for a number field desbest 1 Pierre_Admin 2024-09-25
2024-08-23 Copying and pasting values in a filtered grid for all of the rows, doesn't copy intact desbest 6 desbest 2024-09-20
2024-02-14 Expand / Collapse button type - TMZ 2 Pierre_Admin 2024-09-13
2024-09-12 IQ Training Session #9: Recap of the last year Pierre_Admin 0 Pierre_Admin 2024-09-11
2024-09-09 Displaying the week number inside the calendar (without showing the extra pane) LeftEccoForIQ 3 Pierre_Admin 2024-09-11
2024-09-08 What Copilot thinks of InfoQube Pierre_Admin 1 LeftEccoForIQ 2024-09-09
2024-09-08 How to copy everything except creation date? WayneK 2 WayneK 2024-09-08
2024-08-29 Drag and drop to move items within grid broken after upgrade (125.3 ► 126.0p3) LeftEccoForIQ 8 LeftEccoForIQ 2024-09-08
2024-09-05 Calendar Event Where pop up Maxbear35 1 Pierre_Admin 2024-09-05
2024-09-01 Maintaining manual sorts WayneK 4 WayneK 2024-09-05