Recent Forum Posts
Date Title Author # Last When
2024-03-24 Issues with selected item background color viking 1 Pierre_Admin 2024-03-25
2024-03-24 Unbolding part of a line? WayneK 1 Pierre_Admin 2024-03-24
2024-03-22 How to move an SNDB file from one portable IQ version to a new version rbmcgrath 1 Pierre_Admin 2024-03-22
2024-03-21 auto-hidden pane header bar - always on top? jimspoon 1 Pierre_Admin 2024-03-21
2023-09-03 zombie IQ not responding (after wakeup from sleep?) jimspoon 28 jimspoon 2024-03-20
2024-03-19 Find and Filter Errors viking 10 Pierre_Admin 2024-03-20
2024-03-19 Can't remove background color in Doc Pane viking 1 Pierre_Admin 2024-03-19
2024-03-19 Bug when marking items as not Done LM77 2 LM77 2024-03-19
2024-03-17 Hyperlink With Filter Error viking 1 Pierre_Admin 2024-03-18
2024-03-14 doc pane - open, save web page internal / external htm/mht jimspoon 0 jimspoon 2024-03-14
2024-03-13 attach doc pane to current tab or main ui - not grasping this jimspoon 3 jimspoon 2024-03-13
2024-03-13 Changing the source of a grid comvox 4 Pierre_Admin 2024-03-13
2024-03-13 doc pane - include explicit conversion options in File menu jimspoon 1 Pierre_Admin 2024-03-13
2024-03-08 reciprocal fields jimspoon 2 jimspoon 2024-03-09
2024-03-08 related items link goes nowhere jimspoon 2 jimspoon 2024-03-08
2024-03-08 "Current Column Set" form jimspoon 3 Pierre_Admin 2024-03-08
2024-03-06 Google Keep article jimspoon 2 LeftEccoForIQ 2024-03-06
2024-03-04 force IQ to reload from sync folder? jimspoon 2 jimspoon 2024-03-06
2024-07-22 IQ Training Session #5: Grids: How to use, how to use simple and advanced filter types Pierre_Admin 0 Pierre_Admin 2024-03-06
2024-03-02 Conditional formatting for calendar events LeftEccoForIQ 7 LeftEccoForIQ 2024-03-04
2024-03-03 In dark mode, edit controls in the Field Properties dialog use black text on black background LeftEccoForIQ 1 Pierre_Admin 2024-03-03
2024-02-25 Collapsing outline WayneK 3 WayneK 2024-02-26
2024-02-25 "Disappearing" Subitems viking 1 Pierre_Admin 2024-02-26
2024-03-11 Where's Wally? Pierre_Admin 7 Maxbear35 2024-02-23
2024-03-06 IQ Training Session #4: Task and Reminders in IQ. Synergy with Google Apps Pierre_Admin 0 Pierre_Admin 2024-02-21