<SOLVED> "Can delete on item move" : doesn't work as it should (IMPORTANT)

Submitted by Armando on 2010/03/02 23:40
Hi Pierre,
The "Can delete on Item move" function in the field management seems broken.
Normally its use is to delete an inherited value from a sub-item when it's moved. However, even if you move the parent (where the value was assigned by the user himself), is the value deleted... That shouldn't happen.
Steps :

1- Create a binary field called YesNo, and turn inheritance ON with the option  "Can delete on Item move" ON

Behaviour on moving/removing items - comments + queries

Submitted by Tom on 2010/03/02 10:20
Clearing out my inbox again lately I was moving a lot of items around the place.
I have a few queries and thoughts
with apologies if some of this has been discussed/requested before:
1)  Drag Item A to become a sub-item of Item B (in same grid or other 'tabgroup'/pane)
Item B expands to show all sub-items with Item A at the bottom of the list  [see also 1b & edits below]
Item B
    Item W
    Item X
    Item Y
    Item Z
    Item A
Now if you want to collapse Item B, AFAIK (excluding using the mouse) you have to arrow up to it and only then can you collapse it - am I correct there - see #2 below -

Drag item from one grid-pane to another - 'hourglass' shows until u close IQ

Submitted by Tom on 2010/03/02 04:47
With dual pane or multiple vertical tab groups:
When I move an item from one grid to another grid/pane via drag-drop -
I get the 'hourglass' waiting symbol: when the mouse arrow is over text within a field, or over a tick-box, or pretty much anywhere outside the grid proper, this doesn't seem to go away at all unless I close all grids (& reopen) or restart IQ.
It's not a really big deal as things still work, but it's fairly disconcerting all the same.
I have had problems with difficulty editing items in the first grid immediately after the move but not consistently i.e.

Updated Calendar, i.e. v9.25 approx release date?

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/03/01 11:42
Hi Pierre,
I'm inquiring about this as I use the calendar daily for many different tasks -- some w some workarounds -- and was wondering how it is coming, when we might expect it, etc.
Bumped 16/03/10
Pierre, maybe not fair of me but I'm getting really frustrated. Google calendar is so easy & useful that I find myself going to it all the time.
This syncs perfectly with Palm Pre calendar & I'm sure Android as well.
However I am out of sync w my daily life, i.e. IQ.
Can you update me/us on calendar status.

HTML pane - using text formating breaks menu

Submitted by Tom on 2010/02/26 11:37
HTML pane
  • right click within pane >>
  • context menu >>
  • Click "Font" (not one of it's sub-items) >>
  • Click Cancel, or change text formatting & click OK
Now, try to open the menu - doesn't work here anyway.
If I close HTML pane & reopen it menu works as normal
This seems to happen every time - it also happens when accessing the Font formatting box via the menu
[edit] forgot:- Version 0.9.25Pre-Rel18 build 2010-02-16 10:52:36 [/edit]

Sources of research

Submitted by mknjlaw on 2010/02/25 15:46
I am writing an psych-law article and I want to enter the psychological principles in one grid and the sources for those principles in another grid (authors, name of publication, pages, publisher, date, etc). I don't know how to link the source record to the psychological principle record. In other words I don't know how to link from one grid to another.

Row equations won't run if the item is added through the "Add item" dialog (IMPORTANT)

Submitted by Armando on 2010/02/25 01:55
Hi Pierre,
When items are added through the "add item" dialog, some row equations work (if you tick a due date, the urgency field will be updated), but  others don't. (And of course, row equations work when data changes are performed inside the grid.)
I wrote a small script to filter WikiTags and copy certain strings to another field : TypeDocBib.
The idea is to enter all my data in the WikiTag field and let IQ take care of all the dispatch details...

Performance problems with auto assign rules, inheritance, item deletion.

Submitted by Armando on 2010/02/24 01:38
[Moved this thread to the bugs section]
There seem to be performance problems with (some?) auto-assign equations.
Here's a function I'll use in my example:
Function CheckYNField (StringVar,field)   
  if instr(field,StringVar)>0 then
    CheckYNField = -1
    CheckYNField = 0
  end if

What are the differences in performance between different types of filtering ? (+ a few comments on important missing features)

Submitted by Armando on 2010/02/23 14:22
Hi Pierre,
I'll clarify my question by explaining what I want (or what I'm hesitating...) to do.
As I'm bringing more precision to my organizational system in IQ (actually trying to bring to IQ more of what I developed a my "file naming scheme" in the past few years), some questions arise.
A- As we know, there are some advantages in separating all info/data into many different fields (e.g. : usually easier to filter and find items, make changes in many items at once, etc.), but this can also become messy and hard to manage (e.g. : a- too many columns in a grid to display only little info, b- user has too many fields to fill in the properties pane and  the input flow gets fragmented, etc. )
B- There are some advantages in integrating all data in less fields (e.g.