It's too easy to erase data in a bunch of items, without any warning. [SOLVED]

Submitted by Armando on 2009/10/21 20:02
I just -- again -- accidently erased data in many items (125). (Recovered everything thanks to the IQ's automatic backup, fortunately.)
This happened because of :
1- mantis issue 426 :
I clicked in the filter box of a grid that was "tiled" beside the one I was working in, got some misleading feedback that focus was where I clicked and...

Conditional format is buggy... or is it a feature ?

Submitted by Armando on 2009/10/19 00:17
I found that all fields involved in the condition need to be in the grid for the condition to work. I've been going nuts for hours trying to figure out this simple thing.
Is this by design or is this a bug ? If it's by design (not sure if it's a good idea though), I'll add it in the "manual".
Also : it is written in the manual that the conditional formatting section (of the field management dialog) is case sensitive -- at least for field names... Could that be changed ? I think it's a recipe  for great confusion as nothing else is case sensitive in IQ -- from what I've seen.

explaining the beta numbering scheme

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/10/14 17:20
Sometimes I wondered about the numbering scheme that Pierre employs. And the more I thought about it the more confused I got because it didn't seem to fit a pattern -- or @ least a pattern I could discern.
I mean between the number + decimal + letter + number we could be in beta for centuries. Just in 9.24, we still have the possibility of  another 19 letters of the alphabet after "g"+ an infinite array of numbers following each letter. Can you imagine beta v9.24z713?
Then one day, while in the shower, it dawned on me. Once we hit 9.25, Pierre has to start work on the calendar according to roadmap. Maybe he's avoiding the calendar sub-consciously? 

Current status of plans for an Ecco-like folder view?

Submitted by cicerosc on 2009/10/14 16:33
I am relatively new on the forums and I see there has been a lot of discussion in the past about the lack of a "folder view" as in Ecco, but I cannot determine whether this suggestion has been determined to be "impossible" or whether it is still planned for the future.
What I am really looking for is the ability to keep a list of categories along the left side of the screen and to be able to click on those categories to show different views of the data.  I can almost foresee using the properties pane to do that but it doesn't seem to lend itself to that and (I know this is minor) I can't get that view over on the left of the screen so that has the visual appearance of being the controlling entry point to the view.
To illustrate the effect I am trying to achieve, below is a sample screen from the "casemap" software (which seems to operate similarly to Infoqube).  The main thing I am lookin