how to paste in lines from text file, create separate items for most lines but not all

Submitted by jimspoon on 2019/06/26 12:09
 I want to paste into a grid some lines for a text file - and for most of the lines I want to create a separate item for each line.  That's not a problem- in the Paste Options dialog I choose Option #2 - "Paste all lines into selected cells, creating items if necessary."
But sometimes in the text, there are lines I want to "keep together" in one grid cell, separated by a line feed in IQ.
I was wondering how I can do that.  It may be easy and I am just not thinking of it!
I tried replacing the CR LFs in these selected lines with LFs, but when I tried pasting that, IQ pasted all the text in those lines together in one cell, with no line breaks where the LF characters were.

Google Calendar Tasks

Submitted by David_H on 2019/06/23 15:37
Google Calendar is now integrating tasks much more tightly than it used to. You can schedule tasks straight from the calendar, and even assign them a completion time in addition to a date (4:00 PM on July 5). Tasks also shows up as a "calendar" on the left panel where you select and deselect your calendars, though technically it does not have any settings available for it, as the other calendar do.
Is it possible to enhance the IQ calendar sync functionality so that the tasks calendar also shows up as a calendar in IQ? Has Google exposed that functionality? I'd like it to be able to function like the other calendar dos.
Supporting Google tasks and subtasks could be a much longer range goal. At that point you'd have a complete cloud sync solution for both calendar and tasks.

Make Google Connect Window Resizable

Submitted by David_H on 2019/06/23 01:18
 It's a small thing but one of the great things about IQ is every window is always resizable. Except the Google Connect window. Every time I open it I have to resize the columns back and forth to even be able to read what's in them. Yet the window sized is fixed so I can't do anything about it. Please fix :-).
Thinking it's probably by accident since every other window I know if is resizable?
Thanks Pierre.

images in the grid - when will an image be displayed in the grid cell and not just the Image Viewer?

Submitted by jimspoon on 2019/06/20 02:25
In the grid below, the paths to both images are contained in the File Ref fields (FileName, FilePath, FileFullName).
The pic of my dear departed Mom appears only in the Image Viewer, even though Grid > Show Pictures is turned on.
However, the pic of the battery in my hand appears in the grid cell for the "Item" field.     When that is the current item, the pic appears also in the Image Viewer.
So, I'm wondering, why does the battery appear in the grid cell, but my Mom does not?  Is it the image size?
Field contents for Item with my Mom's pic:
Item: Blank
FileName: 102_2404-800.jpg
FilePath: C:\cloud\Dropbox\pictures\Jim's Sharing Folder\
Field contents for battery pic:
Item: <a href=C:\cloud\Dropbox\pictures\gn4\phone\dcim\.thumbnails\1560049020937.jpg>(li

How to paste IQ text+image into Evernote/Gmail?

Submitted by carloscadu on 2019/06/10 18:25
Edited 2020-01-28: HELP?
I'd appreciate help.
I can paste content with image from InfoQube into several text editor apps (e.g. Word, LibreOffice, Scrivener) and email clients (e.g. Thunderbird, eM Client).
However, as shown in this screencast (, I couldn't paste IQ content with image into Evernote and Gmail.
Is there any workaround to paste text+image from IQ into Evernote/Gmail?
Thank you!