Submitted by mdfox78 on 2011/07/04 17:54
I have been using ecco for nearly 20 years. One of the primary features I use is the notepads to save to instructions, procedures and personal data. InfoQube appears to be a compelling replacement for ecco - the first one that I have seen that I am willing to put the effort into to upgrade my database and I have been searching for a long time. I bet you get that a lot.

My question is this: The help file says that notepads are not imported however it does appear to import the data itself. When I try and import the data either by file or selection. I loose the original structure and the data appears to be in an unusable state - that is it is no longer organized in the original outline format. It gets blown up to thousands of  pieces when I view the "EccoImported" task. Sometimes it works if I choose by item. At one point I got a significant portion of my data imported and saved in the correct structure - re-naming the ecco import grids to my notepad names saved re-opened and it was all blown up again into fragments:(

I have been working a full day on trying to import my data in a usable format to no avail. There must be a way to do this otherwise longtime ecco users would basically have to start over which would obviously defeat the purpose. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


I hope that some ecco specialist will be able to answer your question. Pierre -- the IQ developper! -- was himself an Ecco user.
In the mean time, one thing maybe : make sure you understand how IQ works, its basics... either by using the online manual or the one invoked by the F1 key (when in IQ).
You could start with that page : Getting Started
This child page contains a lot of important info : Items, Values and Views
... especially these sections:
- ITEMs,
(As I said: all of it can be found in the help file also)
Windows XP Home Edition, Service pack 2
Dell Vostro 1500, Ram:3gb, CPU:Core2Duo T7500 2.2ghz

OK .. I give up. Apparently this software is not stable yet. Importing large selections from ecco pro becomes unusable due to loss of formatting. I guess I will check back in a few months. bummer..


2011/07/05 05:18

In reply to by mdfox78

Hi Michael,
Yes, InfoQube is in Beta.
It's stable in everyday use but I cant really comment on ecco import - I was not an ecco user myself - from a search of the forum, I see that others have been able to import stuff from ecco, but dont know how much and how important 'formatting' was for them.
Pierre, the developer, was on holidays lately and is now doing 'catchup' with everything. Hopefully he will be able to comment here at some stage soon.


2011/07/05 16:42

In reply to by Tom

Thanks for responding. I will look forward to a response from Pierre.

Hi Michael,
Glad to hear that you're trying to use IQ to replace Ecco. The following 2 points are pertinent:
  1. List of notepad and their contents cannot be imported (Ecco did not add this to the DDE interface). However, Ecco notepads simply display items in 1 or more folders. Folders are called fields in IQ, so to view items in an Ecco folder, simply display the content of the field with the same name. There are many ways to do this, don't hesitate to ask if you need help for this
  2. Ecco had only one way to display items: Tree view with context parents always shown. IQ has many display modes. The one which is the closest to Ecco is Context Parents ON and Hierarchy ON. Having Save item states ON is also quite handy.