help with 4.40.30 Item Copy & Paste

Submitted by Tom on 2010/03/11 05:22
I've been doing some work on Item Copy & Paste - Selection - Drag & Drop
Can you please check it as it's not really my area of expertise (what is !)
If you think it could be better described please change or suggest changes here (thanks)
e.g. I have never pasted into another outliner so cant really say anything particular about that option - but it looks great when pasted into the html pane !
I intend to add
  • the paste dialogue box
  • info about drag-drop


added info about pasting
With apologies for raising the wording issue again:-
The two pasting dialog boxes (when pasting as TLI or as sub-item) - they have drastically different wording currently .
I think -
  • either only one should be used (I dont see the need for the sub-item one myself)
  • or the text should be made more similar
EDIT: when pasting as sub-item, the dialog tries to explain what is happening ('adds new Parent Link'). But no attempt is made to explain what's happening when pasting as TLI -
personally I think it's better to keep it totally simple but as I say I think the important thing here is to standardise them

I've changed some things on the page (simplified some explanations, completed others, and corrected a few little inaccuracies).


2010/03/11 14:44

In reply to by Armando

I've changed some things on the page (simplified some explanations, completed others, and corrected a few little inaccuracies).
Hi Armando
Because I wasnt sure about stuff I checked it out - unfortunately my file works completely differently to your description (i.e. mine worked as I described) -
I see from a clean file that you are correct & my file is screwed up
signed, unhappy (not your fault !!)


2010/03/11 16:40

In reply to by Tom

I've changed some things on the page (simplified some explanations, completed others, and corrected a few little inaccuracies).
Hi Armando
Because I wasnt sure about stuff I checked it out - unfortunately my file works completely differently to your description (i.e. mine worked as I described) -
I see from a clean file that you are correct & my file is screwed up
signed, unhappy (not your fault !!)
Hi Tom, I'd be surprised if your file is screwed up... What is it that doesn't work as I described ? Let's try to find what and why.
(And you did a great job -- the first draft was good. Hopefully, I'm not complicating anything.)


2010/03/11 16:48

In reply to by Armando

Hi Tom, I'd be surprised if your file is screwed up... What is it that doesn't work as I described ? Let's try to find what and why.
(And you did a great job -- the first draft was good. Hopefully, I'm not complicating anything.)
I'm starting to think it is my file -  this is the third or fourth problem I'm having that nobody else is
everything you changed in that page was (& is) exactly how my file works - I kept a copy of that  draft so will post the relevant points tomorrow
BTW - of course you're not complicating anything !  - I'm just going through an "I'm struggling with IQ - and life" phase - there now I feel better - will report back tomorrow !


2010/03/11 16:50

In reply to by Tom

Hi Tom, I'd be surprised if your file is screwed up... What is it that doesn't work as I described ? Let's try to find what and why.
(And you did a great job -- the first draft was good. Hopefully, I'm not complicating anything.)
I'm starting to think it is my file -  this is the third or fourth problem I'm having that nobody else is
everything you changed in that page was (& is) exactly how my file works - I kept a copy of that  draft so will post the relevant points tomorrow
BTW - of course you're not complicating anything !  - I'm just going through an "I'm struggling with IQ - and life" phase - there now I feel better - will report back tomorrow !
Ok Tom. Take care then... ;)
I'm sure we'll find a solution.


2010/03/12 04:15

In reply to by Tom

First off apologies for the bit of melodrama yesterday :-)
Second it is just my file :(
Behaviour in my file is:
if I select a number of cells (but not all cells of an item - i.e. items are not fully selected) when I copy
  1. No dialogue box is shown
  2. the contents of the selected cells are copied in tab-delimited format - Column/Field headings are also copied
This is the case in all the grids I've checked so far so it appears to be file-wide as opposed to being a problem with grid settings


2010/03/12 10:33

In reply to by Tom

First off apologies for the bit of melodrama yesterday :-)
Second it is just my file :(
Behaviour in my file is:
if I select a number of cells (but not all cells of an item - i.e. items are not fully selected) when I copy
  1. No dialogue box is shown
  2. the contents of the selected cells are copied in tab-delimited format - Column/Field headings are also copied
This is the case in all the grids I've checked so far so it appears to be file-wide as opposed to being a problem with grid settings
You probably already sent your file to Pierre, right ? If so, he should be able to figure things out.

In the mean time you could also try ctrl-shift-c ("copy special" : look in the edit menu)


2010/03/15 13:49

In reply to by Tom

I can confirm that if the focus is not on the "Item" column, the dialog is not shown. I'll fix this right away


2010/03/16 06:55

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I can confirm that if the focus is not on the "Item" column, the dialog is not shown. I'll fix this right away
Pierre - 
I now notice that this behaviour varies from grid to grid -
in some grids I get no dialogue box unless full item(s) are selected
in other grids I get the dialogue box if the item field is included in the selected cells
I'll keep an eye on it, see how it works with next update & report back


2010/03/16 09:02

In reply to by Tom

Before the change I just made (avail later today), you should always get the dialog if :
  1. You only have the tree column selected, or
  2. You click on the tree column and then drag to select a rectangular area of the grid


2010/03/16 09:11

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Before the change I just made (avail later today), you should always get the dialog if :
  1. [ . . . ]
  2. You click on the tree column and then drag to select a rectangular area of the grid
!!  - that's it I'm left handed (!)
I always (mostly) click out to the right (i.e. first click is NOT in the item field - then I drag it over towards the item column)


2010/03/16 10:21

In reply to by Tom

Glad this was clarified ! In the coming version, it makes no difference how items are selected. If the tree column is selected, you get the dialog. The dialog is also shown for Copy Special of course.


2010/03/15 13:53

In reply to by Tom

OK, now whenever the "Tree" column is selected, the dialog will be shown. If not, it will silently select the tab-delimited format.

Added (yellow) and/or changed the following Item Copy & Paste - Selection - Drag & Drop

b) Copying a full items or portions of items, etc.
If you select more than one item, you'll always be presented with the dialog below.
Selecting more than one cell in one or more items:-
~ you can click and drag to select multiple cells of multiple items - as long as you don't start the click within text (which would select that particular item) or on the bullet.
~ If the "Tree" column (the one with the bullets) is included in the selected cells, the dialog below will be shown. If not, it will silently select the tab-delimited format.

d) Drag and Drop: move item or show it in a new location
to move an item by drag and drop: select it either by clicking in the first (#) column or click in the text of the item field * and drag it to it's new location.
* Tools >>Options >>General >>Grid now has the option to expand an item with children on single-click (or double-click).
If you select "on double-click", drag-drop is initiated by clicking and dragging the bullet

let me know what you think or change as appropriate!