- Selecting
- Copy and Paste
- a) Copying the content of a range of cells
- b) Copying a full items or portions of items, etc.
- c) Pasting an item (or items) in a grid
- Selecting an Item and moving it using Drag & Drop
- Item Selection and moving via Drag & Drop
1.0 Selecting Text and Items
- Range of cells: click on any non editable area (mouse cursor changes to Arrow)... and drag if necessary (for multiple selection)
- Items: Click on the # column (left-most column) and drag if necessary (for multiple selection). As usual, Shift-click to extend, Ctrl-click to include / exclude specific items. Again, you must use the # column if Grid >> Select Mode is Multi-Column (if select mode is Full Line, you can use other columns)
- Columns:
- If the SortBar is not visible, you can click on a column header to select a column (or use the context menu). Ctrl-click to include / exclude a column.
- If the SortBar is visible, you must use Ctrl-click (or use the context menu), else you'll sort the items
2.0 Copy and Paste
Like most Windows Applications, all copying actions are performed by :
- Selecting something with the mouse,
- Ctrl+C OR mouse right-click -> Copy :
Pasting is done by :
- Selecting a position (or a zone) with the mouse,
- Ctrl+V OR mouse right-click -> Paste :
a) Copying the content of a range of cells
When the "tree" column is not part of the selected cell range, copying works like it would in a spreadsheet like Excel: It will instantly copy the contents of the selected cell. It's then ready to be pasted anywhere.
(the tree column is the one showing the outline, and shows an expand/collapse button)
(the tree column is the one showing the outline, and shows an expand/collapse button)
When selecting items (either the whole item or at least the "tree" column), you'll always be presented with the dialog below.

Numbers 1 & 2 are intended for other applications; 3 & 4 are for pasting within IQ
1) "Only the tree column will be copied" the tree column (the one with the bullets) is normally the Item field (this can be manually changed via the grid-column-header's context menu)
The result of this copy will be a bulleted list which is indented for sub-items, also suitable for other outliners.
2) Copies items in tab-delimited format : the content of the selected rows and colums and their headings.
3) Copying in XML format copies all the filled fields & properties of the selected items - i.e. will make an identical copy.
Note that If you select an item and its subitems, IQ will preserve the hierarchical information.
4) Same as #3 - but makes copies of all the selected items' sub-items, whether they appear in the grid or not.
Note: if you don't want all sub-items to be copied, use option #3, and hand pick the sub-items you want to copy.
Pasting an item (or items) in a grid(when item has been copied using XML format -- see numbers 3 & 4 above)
Items will be pasted at the same level as the item that currently has focus
1- If a top-level item has focus you will normally ** see this dialog:

~ first option being to create a new item which will have exactly the same fields filled as the original item, but it will be a separate item (having a different Item ID number)
~ second option involves showing the 'copied' item in this new location - i.e it will actually be the same item as the one you copied - it will be displayed here as well as in it's original location(s) -- if you update this item in it's new location, it will be updated wherever else it is displayed.
Technically speaking: what the second option actually does here is to fill this grid's current source field for the item you have copied (presuming it is a simple source, i.e. just one field)
** (as of 2010 03 11) this paste dialog currently appears only if the grid has a simple source (i.e. : the source has only one field in it, or fields linked with the AND operator). Why ? Simply because IQ cannot guess for the user what field should be filled for the pasted items to meet the current complex source and be show in the grid. Eventually, a workaround will fix that issue.
2- If a sub-item has focus you will see this dialog:

~ first option being to create a new item which will have exactly the same fields filled as the original item, but it will be a separate item (having a different Item ID number)
~ second option involves showing the 'copied' item in this new location - i.e it will actually be the same item as the one you copied - it will be displayed here as well as in it's original location(s) -- if you update this item in it's new location, it will be updated wherever else it is displayed.
Technically speaking: what the second option actually does here is to give the item a new parent (items can have as many parents as you like)
Item Selection and moving via Drag & Drop
For simple mouse actions, there are three simple principles to remember :
1) to drag & drop : click on any editable area and drag. In editable areas the mouse pointer changes to caret (text-cursor)
2) for simple or multiple contiguous (adjacent) cell selection: click on any non editable area (mouse cursor changes to Arrow)... and drag if necessary (for multiple selection)
3) selecting a full item (all cells at once) can be done by clicking on the # column or using the left arrow key
Note: Full Item Selection is only necessary if you want to delete or copy the item (deletion can also be done via Crtl+E when the item has focus, the full item row does not need to be selected)
With only one cell in an item selected, you can move the item (with mouse or with keyboard shortcuts)
See Drag-and-drop and other common UI operations for Tips and tricks on Drag & Drop
Related forum threads:
And from the manual:
-- link to nonexistent node ID 1125 --
-- link to nonexistent node ID 278 --