color coding

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/01/10 14:20
Is it possible for the user to define the color coded options. Example: In calendar it's possible to use various colors. As a user I don't think I need an orange dot to be defined as 'orange' as I can see that. I'd prefer to define orange as 'personal', etc.  Same for grid line painting. I don't know about you (in gen'l) but I find color coding quite useful but equally frustrating in that I forget what color i assigned to what. See what I mean?
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA

sticky view / grid properties

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/01/10 14:02
Is it currently possible or will it be possible to set views / grids with certain properties? For example, some grids / views need the browser / html window to impart its information. Other information in grids / views -- an example being an address book -- would not need this pane. So what i'd like to be be able to do is to tell IQ in view #1, I'd like to see the html window set here, in view #2 the html pane should be set here, in view #3 it should not be included.  Thx
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA

clipper calls IQ

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/01/10 13:44
1. In some programs, if user clips data to mother program while program is closed, the clipping function opens the program in background & accepts the clipping
2. In IQ, if user clips data to mother program while program is closed, the clipping function reports that there is no open program
Implementing #1 would be helpful to forgetful types like me.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/01/09 15:27
Pierre (or someone) can you explain to me the process by which IQ is smart enough to know that when email is sent to IQ that it should end up in the email view / grid. It's very neat & I'm thinking I can apply some of those principles to other uses.  Thx
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA

date created

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/01/09 14:05
I have a grid with a cell to indicate date created but there's something quirky about when it decides to display itself. Here it seems to require a program re-start. F5 <refresh> works some times but not other times.  I would think it should just appear when a new item is created in that grid line.  Thx
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA

Database size suddenly became enormous [problem solved -- at least partially :) ]

Submitted by Armando on 2009/01/08 23:23
 ... and searching is now almost impossible (hence : database unusable)
In between December 20, and January 5, my database went from 161 mb to 1.26 gb.
This is weird...
During that period, I added 156 items to the database. Some with more content then others... But 1 gb ??

An Inventory sample

Submitted by KeithB on 2009/01/08 20:35
I've attached an inventory_template.sndb file (zipped).  Pierre used to have a business-oriented inventory file available, and this was based on that, with various additions as I learned things.
Hopefully this will help us all see how file sharing will work on blogs.
I extracted it from my main database, and removed some things.
I converted all the MHT files over to HTML for now, to just have one file. I real life, I have quite a few MHT files, where the photos of things reside.
I tried to clean up everything "extraneous", but there may be some unused fields I missed. There still may be some extraneous grids as well.
It's not fancy, but a few things to note:
  1. Forms: I made up a "System_fields" form, which is handy.