Version 0.9.26Pre-Rel28 is now available !

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2014/06/30 16:31
Hi IQ Users,
In this next release:
  • New: Calendar: Print-Preview now supports "Print to Fit" and "Copy to Clipboard"
  • New: MapView: Print-Preview now supports user-specified scaling and "Print to X by Y pages". In a near future, these will be added to the calendar and grids !
  • New: Gantt: Press CTRL when on a bar end shows a zoom window. Editing in the zoom window is possible.
  • Improved Print-Preview toolbar
  • Fixed: HTML: Caption was not updated when pane is in auto-hide mode
  • Fixed: Pivot tables and charts for grids with names containing a space did not work
  • Fixed: Gantt: Gantt : items displayed in flat view have dates completely messed up
  • Fixed: Gantt: Insize zoom unit was always set to hours which was incorrect for most gantt scales.

problem with autohotkey hotstrings

Submitted by jimspoon on 2014/06/25 17:32
Do any of you use autohotkey to enter hotstrings, or some other autotext program like PhraseExpress?
Anyway - for some reason when I type in an Autohotkey hotstring into an IQ item to enter the date and time in the form I want - nothing happens.  But the desired date and time do appear when I type in the hotstring into another program.   Just in case it matters, I am typing "/dddd" to get Autohotkey to input the date and time.
I had this problem before with IQ and I fixed it somehow - I thought the problem was that I had IQ in "auto-edit" mode, and once I turned it off, I could once again use Autohotkey to put stuff into IQ items.  But now I have auto-edit off, so I don't know what the problem is.
will try it on another computer momentarily, but just wanted to inquire with the rest of you.

Gantt : items displayed in flat view have dates completely messed up

Submitted by Armando on 2014/06/25 12:23
This with Hierarchy ON. 
Data is well represented in the Gantt : taskActStart etc., all are ok.
Now, I've switched to "flat" view to be able to see all item ordered by TaskActStart.
The dates are messed up; what the Gantt shows is completely wrong. At first I thought something bad happened with my data, but going back to Hierarchy display put everything back in order. Feewww!
The problem seems to be related to the way the Gantt processes TaskActStart and NextTaskID data.

Improving HTML pane formatting

Submitted by WayneK on 2014/06/20 00:06
I think the formatting controls in the HTML pane are very nicely done.  It's great having the toolbars directly above the pane so you don't have to reach all the way back to the main toolbars the way you do in most programs.
I have a few suggestions that might be improvements.
1)  Right now, changing text color or background color is a two-step process:  you select the toolbar icon, then you select the color.  It's actually more like three steps because after step 1 you have to scan the color grid and navigate to the color you want.  The goal should be to reduce this to one step.  For someone who uses color formatting frequently, this would be a big improvement in usability.  In the following steps, I'll explain how it might be done.
2) The icon would have a default color that can be applied directly by clicking on the icon.  This color would be displayed clearl

Version 0.9.26Pre-Rel27 is now available !

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2014/06/18 17:57
Hi IQ Users,
In this next release:
  • New: OML/OPML Import: Support "_note=" de-facto standard for additional text content (will be put in the HTML pane) (used by OmniOutliner,  iThoughts and others)
  • Fixed: Restore Layout on startup does not work when Tab Workspace is not enabled (Tools > General > Use Workspace Tabs)
  • Fixed: Opened grids are not always shown as such in menus
  • Fixed: HTML Pane: Changing the text of a hyperlink using the hyperlink dialog did not update the document
  • Fixed: Grid: Editing hyperlinks did not always select the correct text
  • Fixed: Gantt: Editing bar dates did not always update bars.

A few gantt related bugs

Submitted by Armando on 2014/06/17 17:53
1- ctrl+ tab / ctrl+shit+tab for moving from one grid to the other  : conflicts with gantt display : tab switching stops when the Gantt is reached
2- Shortcut-keys don't work from within the Gantt
3- Applying a Color to an item in the grid when Gantt chart is displayed : doesn't do anything. One needs to refresh the grid to see the Color. Maybe are there other similar refresh issues (from grid to gantt). Related : #4,#5
4- Gantt doesn't refresh and show relevant data (duration bars) when items are expanded (and should show up in the Gantt)
5- Grid doesn't refresh well when working with Gantt : checked fields from the properties pane don't show up as checked in the grid, various autoassigns don't show up (e.g.

HTML pane does not display correct notes

Submitted by WayneK on 2014/06/13 20:40
When I select an item, it correctly displays the notes associated with the item.  However, when I move down and select another item, it does NOT display the notes for that item but instead keeps displaying the notes for the previous item.  This happens over and over as I select items.  Sometimes it shows the correct notes for the item, sometimes it keeps showing the notes for the previously selected item, or the one before that.
Grid refresh doesn't help, nor does double clicking the item.  I don't know what else to try.
I've attached screenshots showing the behavior.