Calendar Suggestion + Question

Submitted by David_H on 2015/11/30 19:47
One of the features one of the PIM's I used years ago had that I found incredible was the ability to create a background layer for the calendar that was a template for each day.  It wasn't about specific things you'd be working on each day, but rather a template of your day if you will, into which you then scheduled your actual events.  I found it useful and still use something like that to this day, but finally ended up just throwing it into an Excel spreadsheet, since Outlook does not support such a thing in any elegant way.  I've attached an example.
Obviously such items could be entered as actual events on the calendar, but that screws everything up, you've got to create recurring events for every day of the year, and end up with a huge list of events that are not things you actually do, and the actual real events entered in those times creates two events side by side.  I realize this is a specialized request that most users might

Grouping Fields

Submitted by David_H on 2015/11/29 21:29
Under "All Fields" many fields are grouped, and there is a little icon on the right of the bar that allows them to be viewed in a flat list, or in a hierarchy.
1. How are they grouped?  The manual claims they can be dragged and dropped, but If I try that it looks like it is going to work, but never does.
2. Can there be multiple levels of grouping?

For Those Using IQ for Information Management (also any former Evernote users)

Submitted by David_H on 2015/11/29 19:32
I love IQ for tasks management, but still use Evernote for information management.  For two reasons - "tags" and "tag implementation", while not perfect it's a highly effective tagging system that is ridiculously easy to use, it allows grouping tags under categories and the hierarchy of tags are visible in the left navigation bar at all times (as I wish Grids were in IQ, but that's another story).  Tags are one of those things that once you get used to using, you just don't want to go back.  If I had never used them the standard method of using a strict classification system would probably be fine.

Grid capacity

Submitted by WayneK on 2015/11/26 15:37
On another thread, we got into a discussion of how many items a grid can display before being overstressed (see "How to rapidly create new items").  Pierre noted that 2,000 items would be pushing it.
Does this refer to 2,000 items actually displayed or does it include sub-items not displayed?  If it's only the actual items displayed that's important, then I'm in pretty good shape because I have relatively few of those (a few dozen so far) but each may have 100+ subitems.  If subitems aren't counted towards the total, I can more easily manage things by keeping outline items collapsed.

Make Forms Field List Stop Collapsing

Submitted by WayneK on 2015/11/25 10:19
This is a another minor issue that's a bit of an annoyance.  I use Forms to assign fields to items.  To do this, I keep my custom list of fields open at all times.  For some reason, InfoQube closes this list on its own as I'm doing other things.  If I add a field to my list, it closes the list.  If I open another grid using Item Properties, InfoQube again closes my list.
There seem to be quite a number of actions that close the custom field list.  If it would be helpful I could start keeping a log.  All I know is that repeatedly when I'm working, I look over and see that the field list has been collapsed.  I don't see any reason for this to happen unless I explicitly choose to do it myself.

grid filter (ctrl-G) - how to specify columns?

Submitted by jimspoon on 2015/11/25 06:20
In the "filter this grid" dialog I see the text "(Filtering on all columns)".
But in this example image I see the text "(Filtering on columns 1, 3)". 
I've found out how to "Select Column" by right clicking on the column header, but when I select a column and then click Ctrl-G, it still says "Filtering On All Columns".  Also how do I select multiple columns as shown in the example above?

Problems with Pasting Multiple Lines

Submitted by Tom on 2015/11/24 16:29
Pasting multiple lines and choosing the option to 'Paste each line into a separate item etc.'
=> if your lines start with the '#' symbol, they will not paste.
(I create a new blank line and paste in that -- the new lines are created as appropriate, but they are blank.)
Reproduced in Sample file with and without WYSIWYG  setting.
Thanks Pierre! Apologies for 'bugging' you
(my only excuse for that bad pun is that I'm still working @ 10:30 PM...)