Add item dialog: Selecting more than one fields in "other fields" doesn't seem to work well

Submitted by Armando on 2016/03/04 21:37
Before, when selecting fields in the drop down, fields appeared coma separated in the dialog box above. Now they're separated with a space so IQ doesn't register those fields' values at all.
Can anyone confirm?

Selecting Grid Field - All Fields in non-alphabetical order

Submitted by David_H on 2016/03/04 09:17
Very small issue but when I went to create a grid today and then select the field, all the fields in the drop down are in random order, I'd think they are supposed to be alphabetical?  see attachment.
Edit: I just realized like most drop down I can just type the first few letters to find what I need, so it's such a small issue it was hardly worth mentioning.