Copy HTML Pane along with Item

Submitted by DavidF on 2016/06/02 18:29
Would it be possible, when you copy an item from one IQ database to another, to also copy the HTML/MHT file that appears in the HTML Pane? I mean that there should be a new HTML/MHT file copied into the destination database's "files" folder.
As it is, it seems that the copied item, in the new database, still references the HTML/MHT file in the original database folder. This can become problematic if you rename or move the original database and the copied item loses the link to the content in the HTML pane.
Basically it seems to me that when you copy an item from one database to another, everything should be copied, including the associated HTML/MHT file, if any.
I can see that this would be tricky if the file appearing in the HTML Pane was an external file, eg Word or PDF. But HTML/MHT files seem to me to be integral to the item.
-- DavidF

Please Increase Pop-Up Area Window

Submitted by David_H on 2016/06/01 01:25
Tools > Field Properties > Editor > Po-Up List
Please consider making this window larger, it's so small it's very difficult to manage pop-up values in this window once you have more than a few of them.  Currently I cut and paste all the values to Notepad, modify them there, and then paste them back into IQ.  But it would be nice to just make the changes within IQ.  There is a TON of unused space there, so I'd think it should be pretty easy.