HTML Pane Gets Locked on Home Pane

Submitted by David_H on 2016/06/11 01:32
I'm not sure how to reproduce this, but twice today I've had the HTML pane lock to the home grid item (which is one I created, NOT the default home grid).  Each time it's happened, as I click on various items, I see the text for the clicked on item in the HTML pane for a fraction of a second, then it disappears and reverts back to the home page HTML pane.
On each occasion that it happened, the only way I was able to get it to stop was to close and reopen IQ.  I also looked at the lock command for the HTML pane - it was not actually locked.
I'm on V78a and I've never seen it happen before today.  If it happens again I'll record a video of it.

Properties pane : moving vertically with the up/down arrow : "focus" disappears when on section titles/separators

Submitted by Armando on 2016/06/10 16:08
Focus basically "disappears" (no more grey/dark color) when on section titles. Hard to explain better but it makes it impossible see where the focus is and impossible to expand/collapse sections while navigating with the keyboard.

Orphan Search Question

Submitted by David_H on 2016/06/10 12:36
Love the new feature BTW.  Pierre, please see the attached screenshot with markups.
1. As shown in the screenshot, I do not believe the item font value should stop the items in question from showing up in an orphan search, so perhaps that can be addressed in a future release?  Also, I confirmed that is what is stopping them from showing up, because the moment I deleted the font value on one of them, they showed up as orphans as they should.

Version 0.9.78b is now available !

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2016/06/08 20:30
Hi IQ Users,
In this release (v0.9.78):
  • New: Grid: Outline Styles. Can now define named outlining styles. Supports font (face, size, bold, etc), text foreground and background color.
    Any item can be used as an outline style,, simply check field OutlineStyles. Can turn On / Off and quickly switch between different styles. Option to override item formatting.
    Details here: 3. Outline Styles
  • New: Grid: Columns > Column Sets menu. Column sets come from forms and grids
  • New: Properties Pane: In the All fields section, a hyperlink is now shown if a field and grid share the same name. Click the link to open the grid.

keyboard shortcuts list doesn't list all shortcuts

Submitted by jimspoon on 2016/06/08 14:31
I notice that and don't list some of my shortcuts, for example Ctrl+number and Ctrl+Shift+number.  Why is that?
I do see these shortcuts listed at
Do we have an exhaustive list of all shortcuts somewhere?
Also I notice there is no Expand/Collapse to Level command in the Item menu.

Showing the field when you double-click on it in Properties

Submitted by DavidF on 2016/06/07 08:52
being able to double-click on a field in the Properties Pane to get a view (in Scratch or wherever) of all the items with values for it is incredibly useful. I think what would make it even more useful would be if that also automatically added that column to the grid that opens up (by default it seems to be Scratch). After all, that is what you want to see - the values for that field (in my case it's often because I look at a field I created and wonder, What was that for??)
Of course it's relatively quick to add the column yourself - it just seems like it would be a natural part of the operation to automatically include it.
-- DavidF.

On SQL, IQ and usability

Submitted by DavidF on 2016/06/04 07:44
This post started off as a question in "How Do I?", then while writing it I found out the answer, but I figured I might still post something here, as it set off some thoughts as a new (and largely contented) user of IQ.
Something I'd puzzled over off and on for a while was how to set a criterion that shows all items where a checkbox is not checked. So, either in the Grid Source or in the Filter, I had tried:
  • Is Not [check_box]
  • Not [check_box]
  • <> [check_box]
  • [check_box] = 0
  • [check_box] <> -1
These all got no results. What surprised me was that although [check_box] = 0 didn't return anything, [check_box] = -1 returned the items that are checked.

Outline Styles

  • InfoQube supports Rich-text formatting for grids, items and the HTML editing pane.
  • Editing in the HTML pane is similar to word-processors. See 4. Document Pane.
  • In grids, formatting is structured as a hierarchy. In increasing order of precedence, these are:

Automatically Assign Field Value to ALL Items (upon item creation)

Submitted by David_H on 2016/06/02 19:46
In the Properties Field, there is an option for "default value".  Could an option be added if the user wants the default value to get added to EVERY item (upon creation)?  Currently if an entry is made in the default value area, the field has to be clicked on in a column to add the default value.  Here is my a case...
I have two values I assign to every single item in my IQ database.  For instance, I have a status of open or closed for every item.  Being able to set a default of open for every new item would be immensely beneficial and help make sure I don't forget to assign a value.  It would also make it pretty much impossible to have "orphan" least insofar as all items would show up in my "open grid" until assigned a value of "closed", at which point it would show up in the closed grid.
In the business software I use I am used to being able to