Field Properties Dialog

Fields are at the core of InfoQube's information management tools. it allows users to add additional information to items.
The dialog is divided into 2 panes:
1- Left pane shows the list of defined fields with the following columns:
  • Field ID: ID below 200 are system fields and cannot be deleted. Background color matches the field color (see below)
  • Name: Field name. Must be unique
  • Field Type: One of 4 types.

Filtering using Hoist

Hoist is a feature where one can focus one or more branches of an outline of items, and toggle back.
IQ can have many grids, each showing a different outline, so it is already easier to work than many other apps which have a single tree (outline) .
Users can simulate Hoisting in a number of ways (using item tagging for example, or using specific yes/no fields), but using Hoist is both faster and less cumbersome.
As with some other outliners, through Hoist, users can:
  • Select an item (i.e. a branch) and do a Hoist. The display will filter to show only that branch
  • If already hoisted, one can Hoist even deeper in the tree
  • Hoist can be turned Off to restore the full outline
IQ builds upon the standard hoisting with these additional features:
  1. You can select multiple items to Hoist.

HTML-enabled Pop-up list

Submitted by ethanrox on 2016/09/20 16:35
I would like to have a field with icons, auto-list of values (no multiselect) that I could populate very quickly via F2, F2 (Pop-Up List).
As it stands now, if there is an image from the iconset of InfoQube, it will display correctly in the grid because of the img HTML-tag. However, as far as the Pop-Up List, neither the image, nor the name of the file is displayed.
A perfect solution would be to have an HTML-enabled Pop-Up List that displays the icon AND also supports filter-as-you-type based on the name of the image in the Pop-Up List as well as in the Column-Filter (Ctrl+G).

Column Equations triggering for last item deletion

Submitted by ethanrox on 2016/09/20 14:34
As it stands now, the column equation for a parent updates whenever a child is added or erased.
With one exception: the last child that gets erased does not seem to trigger the column equation at all.
I have tested with MsgBox IsNull(parameterVariable), but I guess the empty array of children does not even get past the Function(parameterVariable) line..
Recalulating the field does not work either.

Hoist always in "normal outline" mode? [Maybe not a bad idea after all]

Submitted by Armando on 2016/09/19 10:21
Shouldn't hoist always be in normal outline mode to simplify usage?
There's no way a hoisted "grid" could show anything else than hoisted items as TLIs anyway. So there's no real point it seems to have other view mode for hoist (simple enough to press ctrl+1 to only see TLIs)
And at the same time, when I hoist, it's convenient to keep the hierarchical view stable under those hoisted items, after a refresh. To be able to have that behavior when working in a flat view grid, I always have to switch back and forth between outline normal and flat modes when I'm hoisting.
Thanks for considering that request (hopefully, it makes sense...)
[and it wouldn't change the behavior of having items appearing hoisted -- at first "flat" -- as TLIs in the scratch or search grid]

IQ is pausing (more than 30s) between field changes when editing in the field properties

Submitted by Armando on 2016/09/19 10:15
This was previously reported I think -- somewhat fixed, but back in 81-82.
Changes to fields in the field properties dialog : take a long time to be recorded. Maybe because everything is always updated simultaneously. (Maybe fine in a DB without too many fields or grids, but is extremely slow in a DB with a lot of fields and grids, and maybe... a modest CPU.)

Problem with grouped column headers (lost groups when removing columns to the left of groups)

Submitted by Armando on 2016/09/19 10:08
When a column is REMOVED, all grouped columns to the right of the removed columns are disrupted. I'll just give a simple example:
  • AdrsBook Grid, sample file.
  • Group those four cells : cell, e-mail, leadNbDays, calldate
  • Refresh
  • Group (collapse) the newly created group.... (visually speaking)
  • Right click on the "Lead" column (at the left of the group), remove it (NOT hide)
  • The previously created group now contains 5 fields -- 1 that shouldn't be there.
AFAICT, the groups needs to be recreated from scratch. It's impossible to fix the disrupted groups without recreating all groups, which is really time consuming in large groups/large grids (with many groups).
The only "work around" is to hide columns instead of removing them.

Version 0.9.82 is now available !

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2016/09/16 16:43
Hi IQ Users,
In this release (v0.9.82):
  • New: Pop-up list: Auto-search now uses the field setting (Starts with / Contains).
    If the field setting is set to (default), uses the setting in Tools > Options > General > Modes > Auto-search
  • New: HTML Pane now has 2 zoom settings: Document zoom and View zoom.
    • The Document zoom is set using the Zoom In / Out / Reset commands.