Password Fail Dialog

Submitted by David_H on 2016/10/25 01:36
Small request - my file is password protected.  If I mistype the password, the password box closes, and I have to go to file > open and select the database all over again.  Can it be changed to follow the typical convention - tell the user it was wrong and just give them the opportunity to retype it?

ordering of subitems

Submitted by jimspoon on 2016/10/25 00:41
 Am I right in thinking that the ordering of subitems is a property of the grid?  
In other words, I can manually order an item's subitems in a particular grid, but if I load that same item in another grid (e.g. scratch, search results), the subitems are not going to have that manual ordering.
By contrast, I think that in Ecco, the ordering of subitems is a property of the item; so that if you display the item in a Search Results or Scratch view, the ordering of subitems is going to be the same.
I know I might very well be wrong about this, if so, I'd like to be set straight!

Dockable Field Window?

Submitted by viking on 2016/10/25 00:26
Ecco has a searchable Folder Window shown to the left.
IQ has a Field Properties Window that does not appear to be dockable?
It also does not appear that I can search in this window?

Is there some way to dock this or other Field Window?
In Ecco I often drag fields (folders in Ecco) to the Grid to add a column. I also double click a field to display its items in a scratch grid..
Can this be done in IQ somehow?

Item Bullets?

Submitted by viking on 2016/10/25 00:08
In the IQ Help File, I see several examples of Item bullets (like in Ecco). How do I change to the [Ecco] bullet format?
Note that the help file:  shows how to set the bullets. However, this option is missing for me!?
Maybe this option was removed in a new IQ version (newer than the help file)? On purpose or a bug?

Pop-up position

Submitted by WayneK on 2016/10/24 20:29
I use pop-up lists to assign categories.  I've noticed that no matter where my Infoqube window is positioned, the pop-up always comes up at the far upper right of my main monitor.  Is there any way to tweak this so the pop-up occurs closer to where I'm actually working (preferably right next to the relevant cell)?

Instead of Mantis?

Submitted by viking on 2016/10/23 21:46
I am a long time Ecco / Ecco Extension user and am trying to decide if I should switch to IQ. This would be a big step for me and I need to make sure that IQ has the important functionality that I use daily in Ecco. 
In the past, if a feature was missing or buggy in IQ, I could check Mantis to see if it was planned to be implemented / fixed in the near future. Now it seems like Mantis is no longer used? Is there an alternative now? Any way to see what is planned (with an ETA)?
p.s. Anyone knows why Firefox spell checker doesn't work in this Forum? It shows the error with red underline, but right-clicking to get suggestions doesn't work :