Collapsible Lists on Home Page

Submitted by David_H on 2017/02/28 20:18
 Since Jim has suggested a few "moon shots" lately here is one of mind.  Now that I am using IQ not only for task management but info management I have a lot of grids and expect to add more and more.  I'd really like to be able to put the grids into collapsible categories on the Home Page.  I've even investigated doing that with pure HTML, but from what I can gather it's not possible (usually requires Java), plus would require the HTML pane to be set to browse mode.
Is there a way such a feature could be made part of the built in Home Page capabilities in a future release?

Autodelete timestamped backups not working here

Submitted by Tom on 2017/02/28 12:26
Another minor one Pierre.
Win.7 x64
IQ portable 91c
The setting 2.4.5
Delete timestamped auto-backup files after (n) days
is not working here.
info from the manual page about this (which I wrote though!) 3. Backup your database, Encryption
This option deletes all but the last timestamped auto-backup of each day that are at least n days old.

Hotkey to change Autohide status (to fixed)

Submitted by Tom on 2017/02/28 06:48
Using the example of the property pane:
Currently, if the pane is already on autohide, pressing Shift+F4 once simply displays (if hidden) or hides the pane (if displayed)  i.e. it (initially) works exactly the same as F4
when autohide is active, could you use the Shift+F4 key to first make the pane fixed (turn off autohide) ?
(It would then turn off as usual if Shit+F4 pressed again.)

Infoqube Clipper Cannot Find a Running Instance of Infoqube

Submitted by David_H on 2017/02/27 16:13
I just tried to perform a clipping using the Firefox extension for the first time running Windows 10 and I'm getting the message in the title, even though IQ is running.  Tried closing and reopening both IQ as well as FF, no love.  IQ version is portable.
I get the same message if I try to use the universal clipper (InfoQubeClipper.exe) in the portable folder.
Any suggestions?

Link creation fails

Submitted by WayneK on 2017/02/27 15:15
A minor, non-reproducible error:
Sometimes when I create a link and close the dialogue, the link fails to appear.  Doesn't happen every time by any means, but happens just enough to be annoying (maybe once every 5-10 times).

Item Editor / New Item dialog

 The Item Editor is an always accessible UI to view / edit / create items. This includes:
  • Item text (or item name)
  • Doc pane content (long-form content associated with each item)
  • Commonly used fields, such as Inbox, URL, Due Date
  • Yes/No fields (i.e. folder-type fields)
  • Tags
Often items are entered directly in the view (Grids, Calendar Surface, etc). It fast and efficient.
At times however, either you are not in IQ, or not in the right place or you just want to have a larger window to add the new item.

IQ for business management

Submitted by bigspud on 2017/02/24 16:15
budgets and financials can be well catered for,
gantts and planning are go. 
That strange place where your full financials are needed to make business decisions, but are squirreled into accounting programs, which arent super friendly for analysis of data, or for planning in advance.
Planning apps are terrible at creating repeat items by year and quarter. or tracking actuals of anything and feeding the usual benchmark indicators back to you in 'real-time'.
Has anyone taken on something this big in IQ?
I'm new to IQ, and see this potential, but am really just needing a pep talk to dive into something this big!
hopefully naive, and stubborn,

Grid field does not fill in even though Grid Auto Updates is turned on

Submitted by jimspoon on 2017/02/24 13:21
I have added the ItemModified field as a column in a grid.  Even though the "Grid Auto Updates" is turned on for this grid in Manage Grids, when I enter new items into the grid, the ItemModified field does not get populated in the column for the new items until I press F5.  
I did find this in the Manual ( ) - is it because the change is made in the same grid and not from another grid that it is not auto updated to show the ItemModified value?
Grid auto-updates: Grids auto-update is improving with every InfoQube version.

How to send a note to Infoqube by voice using an Android device, with minimum taps

Submitted by jimspoon on 2017/02/24 10:37
I have been experimenting and this is working great.
I assume you have set up email to IQ to poll a specific address for notes to import into IQ.
Put that "send to infoqube" address into your Google contacts on your Android device.
Install and launch the Mail Linker app.  It will present you with a list of your contacts.  Tap on your "send to infoqube" contact.  Mail Linker will create a shortcut on your Androiid home screen.  When you tap on the shortcut, your email app will launch and take you to a Compose screen with your "send to infoqube" address already filled in as the recipient.  In my case, it is Gmail that opens up.
Tap on the Subject line if you want the dictated text to appear in the Item field.

Selecting multiple items/cells using Crtl key not working

Submitted by Tom on 2017/02/24 05:28
Mundane stuff again, but handicaps a lot.
EDIT// The Control key works to select non-contiguous items when clicking in the # column. //EDIT
Using the Control key to select multiple items (in item column) is not working here (normally used for selecting non-contiguous items or cells).
When I Ctrl-click the second item or cell, the first is deselected.
I'm sure this used to work, didnt it? or am I getting mixed up with excel ?
Either way, I still find it a handicap not being able to select items thus.
tested on:
sample file
IQ portable 91c
Win.7 x64