Calendar freezing
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The search box for filtering - recently implemented in the Options dialog - was a nice improvement in terms of functionality and interface.
I'd suggest to extend and implement this functionality to other IQ dialogs. For instance, below there is an image prototyping the filter over the "Add Columns" dialog.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
NoP = %0%
If (NoP > 0) {
Loop, %NoP% {
Par := %A_Index%
String := String . Par . ", "
StringTrimRight, String, String, 2
FileAppend, %String%`nRun`, CmdLine.ahk`nExitApp, Tmp.ahk
Run Tmp.ahk
} Else
FileDelete, Tmp.ahk
Executes one line of code from the command line.
Do not forget to correctly specify the layout file name, if you change it!
How to edit the built-in layout
1. Decompile the built-in layout files (Main menu—Decompile, but first, do not forget to enable this item display in Settings)
2. The mnt\sdcard\JbakKeyboard\keyboards\res folder will be created. It will contain all the built-in layouts in the form of XML files.
For more detailed information about how different layouts are labelled, read in jbak2layout.
3. Find and copy the required file to the mnt\sdcard\JbakK2eyboard\keyboards folder.
4. Apply changes to the XML file.
I'm trying to write a manual using IQ, needing to export and distribute later, and the quality of the images pasted on Doc Pane is a bit degraded for that purpose, probably because of the default compression applied by IQ. Also, considering the defaults, the image is stored in JPG.
a) Does IQ provide a setting to allow pasting images in PNG format?
If it is possible to paste as PNG the degradation would be avoided.
b) If it is not possible to store as PNG, is there any way to set the JPG compression applied by IQ?
Edited: Just moved the thread to "Suggestions"
Edited: Just moved the thread to "Suggestions"