Calendar "summary" view: Today button puts current date at center rather than at top

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2021/10/28 04:14

Silly me, only recently discovered that this kind of Ecco-esque summary view with vertical scroll is actually possible!

My problem is that when I hit the Today button on the calendar, in this kind of view (vertical scroll, no time scale), the calendar centers on today's date so half of what is visible is past events. I would find it much more useful if today was at that top so I could see further ahead without scrolling.

Also, could you maybe add Calendar>Today as a keyboard-able command?

Many thanks!

Default Column Width for each individual column/field

Submitted by dderkits on 2021/10/07 13:16

IQ currently has a "default column width" that applies to all columns/fields.

I suggest that each unique field/column have its own "default column width" setting, which would be configurable under the properties for that field/column.

When adding the field/column to a grid, it would be added with its default width.

When adjusting fields/columns within a grid view, there could be a menu option to "set all columns to their default widths".

Thanks for considering this suggestion.

- David Derkits

How to make child items inherit tags of parent items?

Submitted by lucasd on 2021/10/05 14:37

Now that we have very robust options for hierarchical tags, I'm trying to figure out how to make child items inherit the tags of parent items. The "ItemTags" field doesn't seem to be available in the field management view, so I don't see how to create a Column Inheritance equation. Would there be some may to set certain tags to always automatically be assigned to children of tagged items?

Any way to automatically find related items?

Submitted by lucasd on 2021/10/04 16:29

I am wondering if there's any way to automatically find related items. Specifically, if I have an item called "Item1", I want to see all other items that contain the word, "Item1". In currently popular apps like Roam, Obsidian, and Logseq, this is known as "Unlinked References" or "Unlinked Mentions". Is there a way to write a Row Equation that would automatically populate with the names of items which contain the name of the current item? Or would there be some other way to achieve something like this?