"Importing" an HDD folder?

Submitted by karelt on 2021/12/27 09:38


I have very little experience with IQ so bear with me, pls (gotta love the wordplay ;-)  )

I have been wondering whether IQ can do the following:

"Import" an HDD folder into the database so the folder appears among other database items more or less like a junction point or a symbolic link - meaning: when files or subfolders in the HDD folder change, it is visible in the database (more or less as if I were looking at the folder using Windows Explorer).

New Items and Forms

Submitted by viking on 2021/12/26 16:15


I am sorry if I compare Ecco with IQ but it is the easiest way for me to show my current workflow and suggest new IQ features. I have two feature suggestions (in bold)

Here is my workflow with New Items and Forms:

1. Create a new item (This is usually the way that I enter a new Item)

a. In Ecco: Click a button and a popup window shows default values of fields (they can be modified). Click “Add” and a New Item is created with specified field values.

Back-Forward Tab Navigation and Previous Tab Click

Submitted by viking on 2021/12/26 01:23

1. Add back and forward arrows to navigate to previous Tabs (Grids) like in a browser (and in Ecco Extension).

2. Using a browser extension, I can click on the current Tab to bring me back to the previous Tab. It is very useful when having many Tabs open. I am so used to it, that I expect it to work in Ecco (it doesn't) and IQ.

These are not urgent requests, but would increase the user experience..

GTD (Getting Things Done) Template or Database?

Submitted by viking on 2021/12/25 23:28

IQ has an Inbox for GTD, although I am not sure how the Fields, "Today, Tomorrow, This week, Next Week" relates the GTD methodology?
Has anyone created a more comprehensive Template or Database for the GTD methodology?
I have some ideas on my own, but I am stuck on the proper way to handle my never ending actions lists.....(not an IQ issue but a time & priority management issue...).

Hyperlinks 2 questions

Submitted by Maxbear35 on 2021/12/20 22:25

IQ V118H


Q1. I setup Firefox as my default browser in Windows 10. Everything works fine. However IQ keeps asking me which program I want to use to open the hyperlink. Am I missing some setting in IQ that tells it I want to always use Firefox?

Q2. I would love to put hyperlinks on my own toolbar in IQ. Is there anyway I do that at this moment.


Closing IQ with active column filter ("special") messes up item order

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2021/12/20 05:42

Not sure if this a known issue - or even intentional? - but when I close IQ with an active filter, on re-opening the filter is remembered and still active for the grid. On disabling the filter, the manual order of the grid from before restarting IQ is lost and items appear ordered by creation timestamp or something. I don't think the intended order can still be recalled in such cases. Thanks!

Vertical Alignments of Field Values, Expand Arrow & Items

Submitted by viking on 2021/12/18 17:19

I am not sure if this is possible since IQ uses a 3rd party grid..?

Currently, I am only able to align a field value in a column Horizontally (e.g. Left, Center, or Right justified).
If possible, I would like to be able to align the field value Vertically (e.g. Top, Center or Bottom justified; It is now Top only - I would prefer it to be centered). This would be relevant for multiline items.

Also, if possible, I would prefer that the item expand arrow is on Top, next to the first line of a multiline item (it is now in the center).