I have been using ecco for nearly 20 years. One of the primary features I use is the notepads to save to instructions, procedures and personal data. InfoQube appears to be a compelling replacement for ecco - the first one that I have seen that I am willing to put the effort into to upgrade my database and I have been searching for a long time. I bet you get that a lot.
My question is this: The help file says that notepads are not imported however it does appear to import the data itself. When I try and import the data either by file or selection. I loose the original structure and the data appears to be in an unusable state - that is it is no longer organized in the original outline format. It gets blown up to thousands of pieces when I view the "EccoImported" task. Sometimes it works if I choose by item. At one point I got a significant portion of my data imported and saved in the correct structure - re-naming the ecco import grids to my notepad names saved re-opened and it was all blown up again into fragments:(
I have been working a full day on trying to import my data in a usable format to no avail. There must be a way to do this otherwise longtime ecco users would basically have to start over which would obviously defeat the purpose. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.