The attached IQBase is a subset my "Daily" grid I re-created from my working database. I'm very happy with this now. Maybe someone will find it or some concept in it useful.
I use this Daily grid to (daily!) quickly jot a few notes about the day, and what transpired. If I get verbose, I enter additional info in the HTML pane.
This is amazingly useful to know what happened on a given date in the past. I can't remember dates very well, and this compensates.
The Date field is entered manually by double-clicking. If I'm entering at a later date, I pick the appropriate date.
The Day, Month and Year fields are calculated via "Smart Fields", and come in extremely handy when I want to filter a column. See Smart Fields
I can easily column filter by Fridays, in 2009 to see what the meal history is for example.
The HTML? column is to show items that have something in the HTML pane.
The grid by defaults sorts by date.