Converting to Relative Paths ? "ReplaceAbsolutePaths (RAP)"

Submitted by Tom on 2010/04/20 06:50
Spotted this @ donationcoder forums a while ago & been meaning to repost it here.
May be helpful if you want to work with relative paths
NOTE: I havent used it (I've no Relative Paths needs at the moment) so just throwing it out here as a suggestion that possibly could be helpful with IQ
[quote]ReplaceAbsolutePaths (RAP) - a small app for the portable-software-lovers out there, to maybe make their lives just a little easier...

From the (admittedly long) readme:

Inheritance bug with "can delete on item move" (read on)

Submitted by Armando on 2010/04/19 20:33
When :
- A sub item has several parents
- and they all have the same fields with inheritance "ON" and "can delete on item move"  ON (basically they all "transmit the same heritage")
If a parent (which has transmitted its heritage) is removed (remove parent link), the subitem will lose inherited data even if it still has parents (all the other parents) transmitting that same heritage.
I don't think that should be. Heritage should be removed only if no parent transmits it.
Hopefully, my description is clear.
Comments ?
Is that fixable ?

IQ clogging Win memory and/or in conflict with MS Excel ???

Submitted by d bartlett on 2010/04/19 12:08
I have encountered a situation where it would appear that InfoQube is either somehow clogging-up Windows memory and/or is in conflict with MS Excel 2003.  With IQ open in the background and then cutting and pasting data internally within MS Excel 2003 I consistantly get a Win error message saying insufficient memory to handle the request, would I like to abort, I respond yes, and then Excel crashes.  Happening with IQ Pre-Rel-23 as well as previous releases.  I in fact must reboot Windows after the Excel crash because performance of all programs is slow and clunky.  I do work with MS Word all the time too, copying and pasting internally, have never had the problem working in Word.  Right now the only way I can work with Excel 2003 is to close IQ.  I am NOT a techie computer guy and don't have the time/inclination to try to investigate further and/or debug, but am reporting the issue so it's known by others higher up t

filtering by item colors

Submitted by jsolka on 2010/04/19 07:51
I noticed it just now, but then I checked previous version (prerel20) and it has the same problem. I don't have prerel13 now (which I had used before), but if I can find it I will check with that version, too.
The problems:
1. When I change one of the subitems color (from "none" to "orange") in one of my grids (let's call it grid #1), and then filter for that color, and then turn the filter off (so I am back to "unfiltered" view), the color disappears, but it comes back after refreshing. But I have encountered yet more serious problem.
2. In another grid (let's call it grid #2) -- filtering for colors doesn't work for subitems. When I  changed the color of any subitem (from "none" to "orange") and then filter for that color -- nothing happens.

filtering by item colors

Submitted by jsolka on 2010/04/19 07:51
I noticed it just now, but then I checked previous version (prerel20) and it has the same problem. I don't have prerel13 now (which I had used before), but if I can find it I will check with that version, too.
The problems:
1. When I change one of the subitems color (from "none" to "orange") in one of my grids (let's call it grid #1), and then filter for that color, and then turn the filter off (so I am back to "unfiltered" view), the color disappears, but it comes back after refreshing. But I have encountered yet more serious problem.
2. In another grid (let's call it grid #2) -- filtering for colors doesn't work for subitems. When I  changed the color of any subitem (from "none" to "orange") and then filter for that color -- nothing happens.

Accessing many grids via "Manage Grids"

Submitted by KeithB on 2010/04/18 21:30
 I've found another flexible way to easily access my many grids (presently 34), without any setup involved.
Simply use the "Manage Grids" dialog!
(Views>Grids>Manage Grids), or  Alt+G, or click the appropriate icon.
Once the dialog is up, you can arrow through the list of grids quickly, then open the one you want by clicking "Open" over to the right, else Alt+O then Enter.
What is really nifty is that the description can be easily seen, as well as the other current settings of the grids.

Performance problem *when Gantt is on* and hierarchy is collapsed : if grid shows empty rows it flickers for a long while.

Submitted by Armando on 2010/04/18 13:23
The flicker can last between 10 and 20s before the grid becomes usable again.
Steps :
1- Grid has 1 or 2 TLIs : item 1 and item 2 (this is necessary for the collapsing effect in step 4)
2- item1 has 350 subitems.
3- Expand  item 1.
4- Collapse item 1
Here, with my 2.2ghz laptop, grid flickers for about 16s before settling down.

Alt-drag & Drop : automatically creates a hyperlink to the Drag & Dropped item at the dropped location

Submitted by Armando on 2010/04/18 01:42
The process of creating a hyperlink to another item is too long. It should be as simple as alt-drag & drop (to use windows explorer mouse-keyboard combination).
The hyperlink dialog could appear but it should be optional. The item text should maybe be the few word of the linked item.
Comments ?