Creating a new grid should follow almost the same process than creating a new field

Submitted by Armando on 2010/01/24 18:10
right now these similar actions require different UI process, which feels awkward. I think that for intuitiveness and coherence, this should be streamlined.
Creating new Fields is more intuitive than creating new grids and editing them, IMO.

<SOLVED> When expanding/collapsing item hierarchies with a mouse click, focus moves (scrolls) back to where it was before

Submitted by Armando on 2010/01/24 17:21
This is disturbing as it allows 2 clicks to prevent focus jumping : first click to move focus, second to expand or collapse the hierarchy.
To test :
1- select an item at the bottom of a big grid with some collapsed hierarchies
2- go at the top of your grid, expand a hierarchy.
IQ will jump (scroll) back to the previously focussed item which isn't practical.

Relational database

Submitted by mknjlaw on 2010/01/23 21:09
 In a relational database of two tables: legal concepts & cases, there is a many-to-many relationship. One legal concept (right against self incrimination, for example) may be related to many cases, and one case maybe related to many legal concepts.
In InfoQube I have created two "grids" (tables), one for Legal Concepts (with no fields) and one for Cases with several fields (case name, citation, date, jurisdiction, court, and judge). What makes InfoQube wonderful is how easily records within a database can be easily manipulated in an outline metaphor. But somehow I need to be able to relate multiple cases to one Legal Concept and its progeny (siblings and siblings of siblings, etc)
Any ideas would be appreciated
Mitchell Kastner
732 873-9555

01/22/10 --> Is 9.25 pre-release 14 around the corner?

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/01/22 08:55
From the manual on hoisting
[quote] Drag-dropping items from another grid to a hoisted grid, adds these items to the hoisted display (new in 0.9.25 pre-rel14)[/quote]
Inquiring minds want to know....
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA

implement sooner than later NTFS linking allowing file name changes and moving without disrupting link

Submitted by Armando on 2010/01/20 23:12
Can't remember at this point how this NTFS index/journaling feature is "named" exactly... But I'm sure you know what I mean. Is that still possible ?
[One reason why I came back with this one -- mentioned a while ago -- is that more and more people are linking stuff to their DB, and linking problems are bound to happen... When thousands of links are disrupted for whatever reason, it's not fun.]