add an option in the option dialog : "selected items of inactive grid back color"

Submitted by Armando on 2010/01/25 23:59
In an inactive grid (ie: a grid that doesn't have the focus) the fact that the item selection visual cue persists OR  that the selected items back color doesn't change at all when focus moves from one grid to another (in a horizontal or vertical tiling of 2 or 3  different  grids) gives the wrong impression : the inactive grid(s) seem active even if not.
I already suggested better visual cues to make the active grid more obvious -- and I know that there are some limitations due to the grid component.
However, if the "item selection visual cue" could change (different colour)  when the grid is inactive, it would be much clearer -- and less easy to start typing at wrong place.
Could that be set in the options ? Something like "selected items of inactive grid back color" ?

order of items in pop-up box to be the same as their order in the grid

Submitted by ajr on 2010/01/25 20:18
 I've built a pop-up box that uses a grid for its source, as detailed here.  All the items in the box are in the order of original entry.  They are now in alphabetical order and I would like to see them in the box in the same order that they are in the grid.

Manage Grids > Data > Auto assign the following fields does not add from drop down menu

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/01/25 15:03
Steps to reproduce:
Manage Grids
In Auto Assign the following fields
click blank area to activate drop down menu
click drop down menu to select field via drop down menu
focus & select 1st field choice
<END> then add comma
click drop down menu to select next field of choice
click focus on 2nd field choice
first field is replaced w 2nd field
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA

Link to an item from an external program

Submitted by ThomR on 2010/01/25 11:03
Can Infoqube act as a protocol handler, such that one might have a url like 'infoqube://select/item/111' (where the last number is the item ID) in some external program, clicking on which would open Infoqube with that item selected (perhaps in 'Scratch')? I'm looking for some way to get my Zotero (a Firefox extension reference/bibliography manager) and Infoqube to cooperate.

The null=0 option in the field management dialog should be explained more clearly

Submitted by Armando on 2010/01/24 18:56
Seems like that the null=0 spec is only for certain calculations as (even when null=0) if I put a filter condition like x<100 in a grid, items with nothing (null) in a fieldwon't appear, as if they were not = 0 but really NULL. This is expected only if null=o is only true in certain cases... Like horizontal calculations.
Maybe a note or popup in the manage field dialog ?

shouldn't the properties pane context menu (right click on a field name) propose "Show Field Management dialog" instead of...

Submitted by Armando on 2010/01/24 18:26
properties pane context menu (right click on a filed there) should propose "Show Field Management dialog" instead of... "Show Field properties" ?
Just to avoid confusion, I really think that  "Show Field Management dialog" should be used even if "Show field properties" is not bad per se.
But maybe is it just me ....