[Request] Web Clipping: Option to default to HTML or MHT or last used

Submitted by Tom on 2009/01/21 04:32
In Options it would be great to have following for web clipping
Option to default to:-
2) MHT
3) last used
so if (1) is selected, and I save an MHT clip, the next time I clip something it will be @ HTML again (I'm getting used to checking it but it takes a while!)

Web Clip from 2 diff.pages to one item prompts save dialogue - Sometimes

Submitted by Tom on 2009/01/21 04:26
This happens occasionally - still havent figured out the reason [unable to reproduce but has happened a handful of time in the last week where I've been saving more stuff from web]
I'm pretty sure it's when I save stuff from two different pages, leaving the add item window open so that both clips get saved to one item
I get prompted to save - sorry I didnt save exact text but says something like
"The document has changed. Do you want to save your changes"
and, the last time anyway, it prompted me to save it using the name of the folder in which the db files are
None of which made any sense to me so I clicked NO and the clipping proceeded as expected
This happening anyone else?
(Havent tagged the post)
Edit/ above in [square brackets]

filtering: asked before but need more help

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/01/20 08:19
I want my done items to disappear.
When I looked at the field properties for done it already had an equation which I didn't want to mess with.
So then I focues on item field thinking that
if an item was marked done I could have something like AM: done=null
but this didn't work.
I know I can do it by un-checking one box & checcking another such as:
uncheck "Inbox"
check "done"
but I want to automate the function so when I hit <CTRL>M, the item is struck through disappearss from whatever view I'm in.
All donations of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Confused in Ridgefield.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA

Web clip page causes severe slowdown

Submitted by brnorman on 2009/01/19 13:14
Copied this page with copy content checked to IQ and when view & try to scroll program freezes for several seconds.
Tested directly going to this page in IE and it works fine. 
Any clues on what might cause this?
Also find that when I directly load the MHT file it takes a few seconds but once it loads into IE I can scroll with no probelm / slow-down which I cannot in IQ


Submitted by David_H on 2009/01/19 12:39
I really hope to see some comprehensive grouping options in the future,  A "group by fields" option would be a really nice start.  I'd like to see grouping options built into the same header bar as the source and sort commands.
Please note, I know there is a group command right now, but it is pretty limited, only works on one column, and doesn't work well with if a sub-item has a different value than a parent item.