Tab Drag

Submitted by WayneK on 2019/07/05 18:34
When I drag a vertical tab to a new position, I sometimes get one of the following:
1) The tab next to the destination spot switches positions with the tab I'm dragging. (ie I want to move Tab #11 to position #3; when I drop the tab in its new position, Tab #2 moves to position #11).
2) The tab next to the destination spot randomly moves to another spot several positions away.
Don't know if this is a bug or failure to understand.  Couldn't find anything in the manual.

vertical tabs - alignment and grid name truncation on auto setting

Submitted by jimspoon on 2019/07/04 11:19
 With Vertical Tab width set to 0 (i.e. auto), I see the following:
The word "Tasks" on the fourth tab is truncated even though there is plenty of room to show it.
With tab width set to 0, the tabs are aligned right; if I set a width, they are aligned left (much nicer).

MHT clipped content can't be navigated through scrollbar or mouse wheel in Doc pane

Submitted by carloscadu on 2019/07/03 17:43
I'm using InfoQube 0.9.113a (2019-06-30).
Reporting that MHT clipped content can't be navigated through scrollbar or mouse wheel. 
The issue happens most of the times, although IQ also clips MHT that can be navigated properly (not sure under which situation it happens).
Just for reference, HTML clipped content works 100% properly.
Issue details in the screencast:
Taking the opportunity, I'm referring another issue already reported associated with MHT: Unnecessary/extra borders on doc pane when viewing MHT and PDF content

drag and drop move has different effect on TLIs vs. child items

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2019/07/03 17:33
Not sure if this is a bug report or rather a suggestion...
1. Dragging a TLI to a different grid will remove it from the original grid / position (removes the field value). To retain the original field value, I have to hold down CTRL during the drop (adds field value of second grid). This happens regardless of whether the item is dropped as a TLI or a child item in the target grid.
>> This is as I would expect.
2. Dragging a child item to be a TLI in a different grid can have two different effects:
A. If it was assigned to the field represented by the original grid, it will be 1. removed from its parent, and 2. lose the field value for the original grid.
>> I'm not quite sure this makes sense. Maybe it should then re-appear as a TLI in the original grid as well or the user should be prompted by a dialog?

IQ >> Goggle calendar one-way sync

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2019/07/03 05:04
Hey. I managed to successfully get all my IQ appointments into Google Calendar using the (bottommost) "Full: ..." option on the Google Connect / Properties dialog. I then switched to the option just above that ("One way: IQ..."), entered a test item in IQ, but was unable to sync it to Google. Is that mode just not implemented yet? Thanks!

editing plain text files from IQ

Submitted by jimspoon on 2019/07/03 02:26
It's useful to be able to view the contents of plain text files in the document pane.  I *think* the following is accurate - would appreciate corrections - 
If you use File > Import From > Text File(s), the path to the plain text file will be stored in the FilePath and FileName fields; the name of the file will be stored in the Item field.  A copy of the file contents will be stored in the ItemHTML field (for embedded storage), or the file referenced in the ItemHTMLFile field.  You can edit the original external plain text file in an external editor by double-clicking on the Item.   You can edit IQ's copy of the content in the document pane.  The resulting content of the copy will be HTML, not plain text.  In this case you've just got to be aware that you're working with two separate versions of the same content, and changing one will not change the other.
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how to paste in lines from text file, create separate items for most lines but not all

Submitted by jimspoon on 2019/06/26 12:09
 I want to paste into a grid some lines for a text file - and for most of the lines I want to create a separate item for each line.  That's not a problem- in the Paste Options dialog I choose Option #2 - "Paste all lines into selected cells, creating items if necessary."
But sometimes in the text, there are lines I want to "keep together" in one grid cell, separated by a line feed in IQ.
I was wondering how I can do that.  It may be easy and I am just not thinking of it!
I tried replacing the CR LFs in these selected lines with LFs, but when I tried pasting that, IQ pasted all the text in those lines together in one cell, with no line breaks where the LF characters were.