Workflow for moving lots of items from inbox onwards ?
I've only started really using the inbox lately so I'm curious about people's workflow for moving stuff from inbox to other grids
I've created a form with most of the grid source (yes/no) fields, also I have a bunch of the more commonly used ones of these displayed in the inbox grid.
The next step seems to me to be how to sort the items in their new grids.
Obviously this depend on how items are organised in grids.
Obviously this depend on how items are organised in grids.
It would be very interesting if people could give a rough idea of how they go about this (the workflow, and, why not, how they organise grids too)
Currently in most grids, I keep all items below TLI's - i.e. I'm grouping items hierarchically (to one level at least).
When I move items from inbox to a grid like this, they are dispersed throughout the grid which is not ideal - here's a made up example
Afghan Hound