How to copy / paste as a sub-item

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/09/13 11:25
I've created a little video that I hope illustrates the problem:
I copied from email grid & wanted to paste as a child under a TLI
but the paste dialog didn't permit me to do that.
I know there are other ways to accomplish this, just saying it's a little weird to me.
I tried describing this in another thread but I don't remember a satisfactory answer

Text Cut Off in Grid

Submitted by David_H on 2010/09/12 15:43
Have not used IQ in a while and I just installed the latest portable version.  Any idea why all my text is cut off as if the grid is to small to contain it?
OS: Windows 7 64- Bit
Monitor: 2560 x 1600 (never an issue in the past but I mention it in case it is an issue with what appears to be a new grid versus the one when I last used IQ, I have run into a lot of bugs in programs where things don't render properly on a 30")

clipping dialog grid drop down menu

Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/09/12 14:49
In clipping dialog <Win>+C we currently have the ability to send (paste) clipped material to InBox or Current Grid.  This is good
But I would like to suggest the following:
Make InBox a program option default
Create a drop down list (like fields & wikitags) that contains 'current grid' + the names of existing grids
This list would update automatically as new grids are created or deleted.
User would select grid & item would go to both Inbox & selected grid

Calendar views

Submitted by Jon on 2010/09/12 13:34
First, congratulations on 25a. It looks really good.
I may be doing something wrong, but the 5 and 7 day views are identical. Shouldn't the 5 day view display Modnay through Friday only? Is there an option that I have missed to define non-working days (as in gantt options)?

ItemInCalendar -- suggestion

Submitted by Armando on 2010/09/11 13:14
Probably on the road map anyway... But it would be nice to be able to check that field and then the corresponding item would be shown in the calendar. I already reconfigured my appointments grid so that I can see all calendar items etc. but would like to just be able to check that ItemInCalendar field to show them/remove them in the calendar.

Four suggestions

Submitted by Al on 2010/09/10 18:57
1. Monthly calendar won't print. "Currently calendar has a bug when printing Week and Month views..." Monthly view is the only view I use, when will the bug be resolved?
2. Once upon a time IQ would save the margin settings in Print Preview, a few release back IQ no longer would save settings.
3. When will IQ start saving the open Grid configuration when closed.
4. Would like to be able to set appointment Reminder to be greater than 15 minutes; 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours.