Doc pane needs to be refeshed each time to be able to use hyperlinks in MHT

Submitted by viking on 2022/02/03 20:21

I opened an MHT file in the doc pane. The MHT file has links and it works fine when I click on them.
However, if I move away from the item and then back, I need to hit refresh each time to be able to use the links.

Is this a bug or a feature request to have it automatically refresh when the item is clicked?

I have E-mailed you an Example file.

p.s. When I open the MHT file, it uses the absolute path; e.g. C:\myfiles\Infoqube\file.mht
If I have the database and MHT file in the same directory, can I use relative paths; e.g .\file.mht?

Show Mutliple Context Parents

Submitted by viking on 2022/02/02 05:12

When an item has multiple parents and "context parents" is checked, only the original context parent is shown.
In the example below, itemA, has two parents, Parent1 & Parent2, as shown in the properties pane.


I would be helpful if both parents would show as context parents as well, e.g. Parent1 | Parent2, instead of just Parent1.